The Portrait Of A Mother
Rated 4.6 out of 5 stars.(10)By Archana Samanta I gaze and gaze at the white pristine canvas So, pure, immaculate, a token of holiness I fall in trance. I paint and...
By Archana Samanta I gaze and gaze at the white pristine canvas So, pure, immaculate, a token of holiness I fall in trance. I paint and...
By Vallabhi Dushadh Once I asked my Dad, Why the world is so bad? Why is that no to girls and yes to boys, When our all blood is red....
By Vallabhi Dushadh She is a beautiful girl with wings but can't fly, She is a warm girl in these cold world who aimed high! She wanted...
By Neeta Agarwal Doshi Anuja gazed into nothingness. Raindrops crashed hard at the window panes, stirring a turmoil within. She ran and...
By Neeta Agarwal Doshi Why must a homeless destitute, Evoke, in us, a sense of gratitude? Why must a hungry child on the street, Make us...
By Neeta Agarwal Doshi The hills are vast and massive, And create a view so impressive On it, trees, grass, and vegetables can grow, It...
By Vallabhi Dushadh If the world keeps you aside, I will be on your side, weather you are wrong or right! If you are in dark, I will be...
By Neeta Agarwal Doshi Crows are an example that louder isn’t always better, Being humble and sincere is what really matters. Amid the...
By Neeta Agarwal Doshi We want our children to believe that God loves all Yet brazenly we discriminate, based on things big and small We...
By विकाश कुमार भक्ता जो मैंने बोया था गुठली आम का, एक दिन बागीचे की कोने में, आज सुबह है उसमे फूटा अंकुर, लाल - लाल कोंपलो के रूप मे।...
By Neeta Agarwal Doshi A lost bird, sat on the ledge, confused, but not disheartened, Pecking at the thick hedge, it began to chirp in...
By विकाश कुमार भक्ता भिन्न है तुम्हारी प्रकृति, कार्यो में तुम्हारे, झलकती है विकृति। तुममे है विकर्षण का भाव, लोगो से, समाज से, वाणी में...
By विकाश कुमार भक्ता नौ माह रहा हर पल जुड़ा, तन से जुड़ा, मन से जुड़ा, खुली आंखों में सपने दिखाकर, खुशियों की सौगात वो लाया है, मेरे घर...
By Binish C D The torned feet travelled a lot ...