किताबें और भूख
By Pankaj Pahwa किताबें हैं नहीं उसपे मगर वो स्कूल आता है, है पढ़ता कौन सी कक्षा में अक्सर भूल जाता है, ना ही खाने को है घर में ना ही वो...
By Pankaj Pahwa किताबें हैं नहीं उसपे मगर वो स्कूल आता है, है पढ़ता कौन सी कक्षा में अक्सर भूल जाता है, ना ही खाने को है घर में ना ही वो...
By Pankaj Pahwa दुख हो तुझे पर रोए कोई और, ऐसा है कोई कहां, वो होती है सिर्फ मां, वो होती है सिर्फ मां. जो भूखा तू हो खाए खुद भी ना, ऐसा...
By Pankaj Pahwa कहीं तो जलती धूप है, कहीं पे है सर्द छाया, क्यूं इतना फर्क बनाया, क्यूं इतना फर्क बनाया.. कहीं तो काला धन है प्रभु, कहीं...
By Pankaj Pahwa हैं दायरे तमीज़ों के बढ़ने लगे यूँ, जो कहते थे आप, वो कहने लगे तू, ये बदलते हालात, तालीम-ए-नसल है, पढ़ लिख गए जो ज्यादा ये...
By Adil Raziq Wakil Forward. I must keep moving forward. Can’t look back. Can’t change lanes. Forward. I see the end. If only I could...
By Akanksha Patil The Sweater I keep his sweater, frayed and old, A warm embrace on nights so cold. He held me close, I held him tight,...
By Laiba Riaz Pertaining to the rhetorics, Elliptical, yet so omnipotent and reverberated, yonder once flourish in the realm of blinded...
By Sakshat Rao Who knew oases existed in cities? A tranquil normalcy in the midst of extremities; Where sunshine manages to creep through...
By Sakshat Rao Do you know of those Moments? Moments you’ve surely come across When life seems prime, You’re having a good time And the...
By Sakshat Rao Within the spongy soil it grew, scrambling to the crust Like the waves of gushing waters, through stone and dirt and dust....
By Sakshat Rao What purpose serves the Herculean muscles or the wise old beard, Like the futility of an empty chariot pulled by horses...
By Sakshat Rao Ever wondered what lies for us beyond death? Where do you go after they don’t feel a pulse in your vein? When your state...
By Sakshat Rao I no longer bother looking At their open-winged dreams flying in daylight shine. Others call them insane; But down my...
By Sloka Kadiyala Every night when I go to dream, I fear for the monsters to be seen. But when I open my eyes again, I fear more for the...
By Sakshat Rao His burdened neck looked back onto the street To see at whom the dogs were barking. His feet Would have been too tired to...
By Sakshat Rao I sat on a wooden bench by a gray gravel trail Which ran alongside a little babbling brook. I sat, as if tucked in a cozy...
By Sakshat Rao The thunder pierced through the skin of the cloudy night And from the magnificent wound poured the bloody rain. The clouds...
By Sloka Kadiyala When a boy was gifted a ball, He looked after it with care. Always used the same one, not once another, gave it the...