By Vanshi Sheth
A fear
A fear that always stays with you no matter how much you try to leave it
or how much you change yourself.
The fear of people leaving.
People leave a lot
Of course they won’t give you any consent,
Just different excuses.
They leave you hurt from deep inside.
Give you trust issue so the next time you try not to get attached but still
do, you will worry on every little action of theirs.
From tone change to one less letter in a word.
Then slowly comes a stage in which you stop getting calls,
Stop getting texts,
And the next thing you know,
You are blocked.
Cut out from their whole lives, like you never existed to them.
Trust me, this circle will keep on going your whole life if you don’t move
on and minimise your overthinking,
This is going to be you soon.
So it would be better if rather than loving them in a toxic place,
Learn to love yourself for who you are and life will be better.
Think about it..
By Vanshi Sheth