By Aayushi
The doorbell rang. 45-year old Diya opened the door.
A delivery man was standing with a colorful box in his hand.
“Ma’am! courier” he said and handed it to Diya. It was a parcel from her only army son Rahul.
After receiving the parcel Diya went inside and excitedly opened the box. She found a huge picture frame of herself holding 5-year-old Rahul on her lap.
There was also a piece of note in the box which read:
“Happy Birthday Ma! You always supported me even at times when you were too afraid for me. Hope one day I will be able to make my beautiful Ma proud of her son. Love you Ma.
Reading this Diya immediately burst into sobs. She looked at the garlanded photo of Rahul and cried hard. Rahul died two months back trying to save a mother from enemies’ gunshots. Being a single parent Diya was feeling all alone that day.
The delivery man was a very close friend of Rahul and so that gift was pre-planned by Rahul. Probably he knew he is not going to see his mom again.
While crying Diya hugged the picture frame tightly and just said “I am always proud of you beta!
By Aayushi