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A Symphony Veiled In Blight

By Praneet Sarkar

In twilight's embrace, a tempest rages,

Beneath the stars, our passion engages.

With lips aflame, and eyes of frost,

We dance in shadows, our souls embossed.

Her form, a masterpiece of divine design,

With alabaster skin, a canvas, refined.

Hair of midnight cascades in silken waves,

A siren's call, to lead astray the braves.

Yet in this dance, a discord rings,

As fervour fades, and silence sings.

A touch so cold, a gaze so distant,

Lying in a union where love feels resistant.

With hands that trace, but hearts that stray,

We journey on, in disarray.

Each kiss a whisper, lost in the night,

A symphony of passion, veiled in blight.

But as the tides of time relent,

A metamorphosis, quietly sent.

Her visage shifts, in subtle grace,

A new allure, a different face.

The touch of eyes once senseless sapphire,

Ignites now a fierce fire.

A figure lithe, with curves of flame,

In her embrace, I find no shame.

Gone is the anger, the distance, the ire,

Replaced by ardour, a burning pyre.

Our bodies entwined, in fervent dance,

A love reborn, in passion's trance.

And as we linger, in this newfound gaze,

The world around; away it fades. 

For in her eyes, a truth revealed,

Love's transformation, now unsealed.

In silence shared, our souls align,

No longer distant, but intertwined.

A bond forged strong, in love's embrace,

A journey started, in this sacred place.

By Praneet Sarkar

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