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Amazing Afternoon

By Priya Patel

[CONTEXT: This poem is based on an experience which is written in the afternoon about a rare afternoon.]

Was having an amazing afternoon in life.

Suddenly, woke up to the dropping sound on the rooftop.

Visionless, I walked outside.

Then I lost my blindness slowly to a cool breeze,

So cold and windy, made me feel shivery.

Tried to catch the free drops of water,

Like I had never seen before, “So foolish!”

Felt like a child again, “Oh! That I wish!”

Then the pages of the script turned.

Then the rainbow part came,

My favorite scene of all time.

“Oh my God! Look at that, isn’t that mesmerizing!”

“I can’t get my eyes off.”

A shout from behind,

“Hey! Wish something nice.”

All at once, my hands joined,

My eyes got closed like they already knew.

I wished for a life's chapter that’s new.

Desperated eyes couldn’t hold the curtains any longer.

Then my paused eyes played again, 

When the magical crown faded on its own.

By Priya Patel

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