One beautiful morning a Baby Elephant took a walk down to the river for a sip of water. There he met his good friends, an Indian Black Bear and a mother Crocodile. The mother Crocodile had just laid her first clutch of eggs and was having a snack of fish by the river bank, the Bear was also having a go at a few fish jumping out of the river. In the mean time a young stork swooped down and plucked away at a frog desperately clinging on to some reeds, while a Cockatoo was making a meal of an earthworm atop the low hanging branches of a riverbank tree. On another branch of the sam…
"A Feast of Friends"
One beautiful morning a Baby Elephant took a walk down to the river for a sip of water. There he met his good friends, an Indian Black Bear and a mother Crocodile. The mother Crocodile had just laid her first clutch of eggs and was having a snack of fish by the river bank, the Bear was also having a go at a few fish jumping out of the river. In the mean time a young stork swooped down and plucked away at a frog desperately clinging on to some reeds, while a Cockatoo was making a meal of an earthworm atop the low hanging branches of a riverbank tree. On another branch of the sam…