By Tamasi Pabbati
This word sounded like an utter gibberish to me,
Until I understood that it was my path to glee.
One fine day we all heard the news of a disease,
which brought us down on our knees.
I was a victim of the struggle,
As my education experience a juggle.
Like many other kids I took my studies for a ride,
Chose to keep my books aside.
Then came a bumper in my journey,
It felt like the surrounding was completely stormy.
I felt shattered and broken,
I felt like I won't have any doors to open.
Nothing felt right,
My heart was filled with fright.
then came in my life my guiding angels,
To free me from all my tangles.
I gave in my all to bounce back,
It surely wasn't as easy as munching a snack.
It drained me from inside,
But i was driven by the motivation to feel pride.
This journey taught me lessons for a lifetime,
I learnt that making mistakes is no crime.
I still have a lot to do to get to where I want to be,
but now I know that those distractions should'nt get to me.
I evolved into a better individual,
And this experience for me is a great learning visual.
By Tamasi Pabbati