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Dial up Days

By Manish Chhatlani

Searching the web was a frustration,

It took hours to find an information.

The lights beeped on modem in operation,

Always failing to understand the situation.

Remember to hold tight the cable,

Else the connection would disable.

Even a slight nudge on the table,

Could leave the internet unstable.

Results could take a few minutes to reflect,

A phone call would easily cause it to disconnect.

Those Taj Mahal images I had to collect,

Were important to submit for my school project.

The struggle to connect was a mighty plight,

With the hope of not seeing the red light.

Whether to save data for the next night,

Would be another ugly sibling fight.

From tangled wires to wireless that we embrace, 

Ease and comfort now have found a space.

By Manish Chhatlani

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