By Dharshini
A burden on the attic’s peak;
A treasure locked away for years,
Not a shimmering silk saree,
Nor a radiant coral flag!
Tattered scraps of paper,
Wrappers of chocolates long eaten,
Stored instead of discarded—
What value could they hold?
As I unraveled them,
In a fleeting moment, I understood
Their incomparable significance.
Holding them in my hands,
Their image reflected in my eyes;
From sealed lips emerged a faint light,
Introducing itself as a smile.
While one side of the smile gleamed,
Tears rolled down my cheeks.
The moments of the past revisited me,
Imparting the worth of time.
The mind pleaded for those sights
To return, though it knew they never could.
The papers and photographs,
Crowned by the laughter of unadulterated faces,
Moved me to tears.
What once seemed a burden—
Had it been mere objects,
Was now a comforting load,
Cherished in the journey of life!
By Dharshini
Beautifully expressed emotions.