By Keyur Patil
Something I scribbled when everything around me was melancholic:
A pale, sad, and gloomy orange sun is shining on. And all I can think of is that time does play tricks. This is my birthday month, and it is mere days away. I talk about waiting for it like I am sure I am going to live to see it. We all talk about waiting for events of our life in a way that entails our confidence of living until that day. The most amusing thing to me is that someone is dying as of now.
While I write this or while you read this. Isn't it ironic? What a miracle life is! But at the same time how meagre, how worthless we treat it sometimes.
“Life is measured not by how long, but by how well it is lived.” -Me. I know everyone has said this quote using different words. And it is unfortunately true. I cannot have a long and happy life. Either a long life where I spend most of my time racing towards happiness and a short amount of time living out the happiness. Or a short life I can spend being happy for a long period of time.
We have a world ahead of us to step in and to claim. But should you be afraid to die before stepping in? No? You will die after you step in anyways. I have witnessed misrable lives of people who stepped in trying to claim something and fell to the ground.
Should you be too worried? Yes, only if you are not happy.
By Keyur Patil
Your writing changed my life in a lot more positive way. Many thanks.