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First Love

By Shreyas Naik

New day, new shine

Our eyes met, a new divine.

The pink kurta so exquisite

My love for you is so absolute.

The face that shines like heaven,

I'm full of love,

Oh, someone please help me entwine.

Trying to find a way to look at you,

But filled with crowded different hue in the surroundings.

Still the heart won't understand the depth of this pure love

Which isn't lust.

But our love will be built on trust.

I'm glad I saw you in the mild rainy season.

Filled with utmost emotion.

I'll give you my full devotion.

Oh, my divine,

Where will I see you again?

These five days have been so ethereal.

Will my dream of our relationship ever be real?

The day I saw you

It was so surreal

God please make us real.

Is this a deal?

I will always feed her my part of the meal.

Ever since I heard your voice,

I'm lost in the divine nectar.

Now you're my eternal star.

By Shreyas Naik

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