By V. Karthikeya
P.T.Barnum, Master showman of the 1800’s, is the star of the exhibition- New York Times
P.T.Barnum, An entertaining life- Connecticut history
The greatest showman on earth, P.T.Barnum- Head stuff.
1841- The men with boats known as the legends of seas went on to a hunt for hundreds of fish at the meeting of Hudson River and Atlantic Ocean, where they used to catch huge number of fishes and crabs. But back that day, there were happen to see the peculiar signs of the nature, such as thunders from the sky, huge waves and tides, and creepier incident was crying of a young child. Everything was so scary and the legends has no hope of catching a single fish. But, observing the net slowly moving in to the ocean men buckled up to pull the rope with their extreme effort. After a gruesome tug of war, the men were able to pull the rope back and returned to their yard. For their surprise the catch was not a fish nor a crab but an entity of human and fish, which is where I present you, “Feejee mermaid” and welcome to Barnum American museum. From their Barnum museum gained huge attention of the public with great oddities.
P.T.Barnum museum-weekend explorer-New York Times.
Barnum American museum closed due to the spectacular fire and the reason is unknown- 1863
Barnum museum is reopened in America at different location but it too burned down too ground- 1868
(Coffee shop server) sir, James a bailey here is your cold coffee you ordered and a letter for you sir by a man in coat named Barnum. Wait did you just say Sir Barnum? (James) yes sir.
Barnum walks in and grabs a seat.
James: wow, the showman is here.
Barnum: stop it man, don’t flutter me.
James: By the way what are you doing here sir?
Barnum: I just came to grab a coffee with another circus achiever.
James: oh! Oh! Give me a second. Ok Barnum it’s a great idea. But don’t you think it’s too fast.
Barnum: You know the way I dealt with works and I never failed.
James: Ok sir, I have an idea to collaborate with you? Can we?
Barnum: That’s possible James.
1870- Foundation of circus shows:
Jessie: General Tom Thumb, there is someone out here want to meet you.
General: who is that someone?
Jessie: -
Well, how are you old friend? (Barnum)
Wow, that someone is you Barnum. (General)
Yes, my friend. It’s been a long time right after our museum demolished. And now I am here again. With a great proposal.
Wait, do you want me to join you? (General)
Doesn’t it sounded like that? Well, tom I know we have faced many problems after what has happened. Now it’s time.
Ok, Barnum. What is your plan this time?
Circus my friend.
Corbin was born in Lincoln County, Tennessee. Corbin’s parents were William H. Corbin and Nancy Corbin. She was known as the beauty born by physicians. But because of her condition she was hidden by her parents until age 13, as she was born with 2 extra pair of legs and whole lower body. And Corbin said that she could move her inner air of legs but there are not strong enough to walk. Any ways, which is not a problem for Corbin as her inner pair of legs couldn’t grow longer.
At 13 years of age Corbin joined the club of wonder with others under Barnum. Where she stood as the stage name of, “four-legged girl from texas”.
AUGUST 28, 1870:
P.T.Barnum to Myrtle Corbin
Down, August 28, 1870.
MY DEAR MYRTLE- As I heard you are back in to business of performance after the sad truth from the year 1868. We all (our team) has parted our ways to pursue life and other to stay hidden from the superstitious society. As you are aware of my experiments and methods I have performed over the years; and it is my clear conviction that I have gathered much information and had a clear cut plan to start the circus. If the roles of us are properly played together in the time as planned, the returns of the show (popularity, attention and money, support) will be merely high.
It is moreover, to say that all our old friends are back on the stage. Wishing for the star of the show to join us and entertain, surprise, create illusion and give the overall wonderful experience to the audience. Where to prove that we are not different but we are just special people born out of abnormality and talent.
Believe me,
Yours very sincerely,
1871- Barnum Circus:
Town crier: oyez, oyez, oyez: circus in America is back again. This time we have Barnum and his team performance. Grab your tickets, attend and enjoy their amazing performances. Oyez, oyez, oyez.
The show night:
Welcome to the greatest show on earth-Barnum
Now, stick tight to yours seats. It’s a long time ago when I was travelling to the west of Atlantic, I have to stay there in a hotel for a day because of vehicle breakdown and that night I received a call which shocked me for real, hearing her singing this is where I present you todays first performer Julie Seth a 161 years old lady.
Our next performer of the show is prince randian, who is a prince only for the sake of name. I have met randian in a club by mistake, it is after having a drink I have a habit of smoking cigars but on that very day I don’t have any cigars left. Which is where randian gave me a box to take a cigar, but I was shocked to see him because he used his mouth to take the cigar and to lighten, roll the cigar- this is where I present you the living torso also called as snake man. Cause prince randian has born with no limbs and legs.
And now brings you my friend tom thumb, where he is going to sing, dance, mimic some famous personalities (cupid, napoleon Bonaparte) with 25 inches tall. Here the performances will continue on to floor with Zip-the pin head, “When he first came “, his only food was raw meat, sweet apples, oranges, and nuts, all of which he was very fond; but he will now eat bread, cake, and similar things, though he is fond of raw meat.”-Barnum
Barnum- have you seen any human who can walk with his/her knees tilted inward and here I present the beauty with tilted feet- Ella harper: the camel girl.
Next we have, The Wild Men of Borneo, Josephine Clofullia - The Bearded Lady, The warren sisters, Chang yu sing-The Chinese giant, Isaac w.sprague-The Human skeleton.
And now the last momentum of the show where the legend of the seas caught the mysterious entity called as “Feejee-mermaid”.
Where the show went on with huge appreciation and the people, politicians, rulers began to call the greatest show on earth and P.T.Barnum as the greatest showman on earth. And the participants are known as circus freaks. Where children visited the show only for their favourite performers such as Zip-the pin head, Four legged girl from texas who was the star of the show, myrtle corbin-the camel girl and etc.; and the performers name goes on cause each and every individual have their own favourite character to cheer and support.
P.T. Barnum and bailey show was started in 1905 to 1919. Where, after the dead of famous personalities the show later took by Ringling bros and known as “Ringling bros and Barnum&bailey circus”.
And to not forget the famous personalities, characters the modern day film makers and entertaining works bought many shows that portrait the real circus freak show characters.
By V. Karthikeya