By Devangi Pandya
Dear Mom,
I hope you're doing well in the place you've gone
to, and that you know how much I think about
you. I'm writing this letter because there are so
many things I wish I could say to you, and
maybe this is the best way to get them all out. I
don't know where to begin, but I think I'll start
with how much I miss you.
You were the first face I ever saw. You were the
one who taught me how to run, how to bark, and
how to wag my tail in the right way. I remember
the warmth of your fur and the way you'd nudge
me when I needed to stay close. You were
always there, keeping me safe, teaching me
everything I needed to know about this world.
When I first left you, it was scary. There were so
many new faces, new places, and strange
smells. But even though I was scared, I
remembered everything you had taught me. I
remembered your voice, soft and comforting. I
remembered how you always knew when I
needed a cuddle or when I needed to feel brave.
You gave me the courage to face the world, and
for that, I will always be thankful.
Now, I have a new family, and they love me in
their own way. I get belly rubs and treats, and
there's always someone to play with. But, Mom,
sometimes I still get lonely, and I think about
the times we shared. I miss the way you used to
nuzzle me when I was sleepy, and how you'd
keep me close when the world felt too big.
Sometimes, I can still feel your presence when I
curl up at night, and it makes me feel safe.
I hope you're proud of me. I try to be brave, just
like you taught me. I protect the ones I love, just
like you protected me. And I try to always be
gentle, even when I get excited. I know you'd
want me to be strong, but also kind.
There are moments, Mom, when I hear your
name or catch a familiar scent, and my heart
aches. I know I'm not the little puppy you once
cared for, but I still carry everything you taught
me with me. I'll never forget you, no matter
where I go or who I'm with. I hope you know
that. You were my first love, and I'll always have
you in my heart.
Thank you for everything. For the care, for the
love, and for the lessons. You made me who I
am, and I'll carry that with me every day.
Wherever you are, I hope you feel my love for
you, just as strongly as I felt yours.
With all my love,
Your little pup
By Devangi Pandya