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Gratitude - Is The Best Attitude

Updated: Jun 5, 2023

By Aashi Karoriya

I am going to express my gratitude journey. Gratitude basically means being thankful and attitude means the nature of person. So one should have the attitude of gratitude.

Very firstly, attitude of gratitude means to learn to count your blessings in life. Secondly, an attitude of gratitude helps you to value the simple joy of life. To conclude, let me say that a heart of gratitude brings joy to God’s heart and makes you richest in all ways.

Thank you - It is a powerful magic word that quickly generate respect in the heart of others. Research shows that who are grateful by nature are happier and became good friends. Feeling gratitude and not expressing it, is like wrapping a gift and not giving it. Be thankful for what you have, so you will end up having more. Did you know that gratitude leads to happiness and who doesn’t like happiness?

Let me share my key of happiness. I am counting my blessings everyday. I have my own A-B-C list of gratefulness. Everyday I am thinking three things I am grateful for. I have my own gratitude jar in which I am putting chits everyday and replacing it every month.

I am thankful for everything I have in my life, big and small things, moments, people and the list goes on and on. It is difficult to say about only one. Let me share very few among them. I have my own gratitude journal. I am thankful to God for giving me beautiful life. I am thankful to my parents for loving me unconditionally and bringing me in this world. I am thankful to my grandparents for giving me such great parents. I am thankful to my school for providing me the best teachers and campus. I am thankful to my teachers for giving me incredible knowledge. I am thankful to my friends for playing with me. I am thankful to my relatives for giving me so much love and care. I am thankful to books for being my best friends. Last but not least, I am thankful to myself.

I always stand in front of mirror and say thanks to myself. I recognise all the unique things that makes me, “ME – Aashi”. I always think all my talents and abilities, people whom I have helped. Once you can appreciate yourself, your ability to appreciate others will grow more.

These are my lenses to train my eyes to look for gratitude. I would definitely like to see yours. “Be Kind”, “Be Thoughtful”, “Be Genuine”, but most of all “Be Thankful”.


By Aashi Karoriya

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