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Human Tendancies

By Amee Laheru

People are like empty pages

Wanted to be written with their


People being villains

In many stories to fulfill their needs.

They talk to eachother,

Try to find love, build relations.

They don't sustain it

If their expectations aren't served.

We are selfish beings.

We withdraw our

connection from them.

Why can't we choose kindness?

It's so sad that

We find love but

Why don't we create it

Within ourselves?

We search but we don't reveal.

We want but we don't give.

We want to be strong

but we don't heal.

We want to be unique

but we don't be real.

We are humans

with phenomenon

Of light and dark.

Through both of this

Our life gets it's arc.

By Amee Laheru

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