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I Felt Tight

By Ariyanna James

Tight in my own skin

It felt wrong 

Like I wanted to throw everything in my guts out.

I felt disgusting in my own skin

Everytime I ran my hands on my skin I felt every sense on my skin on overdrive

I felt like my skin was being pulled in a tight claw 

It hurt

But it was mostly uncomfortable 

I felt like throwing up

But there was nothing to throw up 

There was nothing to get out of my body

But I knew the next day I would have to go back to my life.

I didn't want too, I wanted to just be in bed for the rest of my life 

Because everytime someone even dared to touch me my throat closed

My bones felt like they were feeling the air 

I felt sick and disgusted, the words not enough to describe the feeling of hate 

I wanted to melt away 

Burn the skin on my bones 

Throw up every ounce of acid in my stomach 

I wanted to carve out my intestines and throw them away

I felt closed off 

A stranger in my own skin

Someones whose blood isn't their own 

Whose skin Isn't meant to be their 

Whose tongue was dry in their mouth

Dizzy in the head 

By Ariyanna James

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