By Arvind Chhipa
I am the best. It doesn't matter who says what.
Believe that you're the best!
People laughing at you,
People finding flaws in you,
People criticising you.
None of these matters if you believe in yourself.
Being the best does not mean you are perfect. In fact, there cannot be a thing called perfect except for the word “Perfect” itself, not even God. Being the best means being someone who can see his shortcomings and improve himself. Someone who is eager to learn every day.
Being the best does not mean being flawless. We are all full of flaws. In some areas, you must be good; in others, you aren't. And in some areas, you must be great. What matters the most is to make efforts, and if you are making constant efforts, then you should feel satisfied with whatever you are, because you know you are going to be great one day.
This is a human tendency that many times we look for appreciation, so do I and there is nothing wrong with it. But if you can see your worth even in the darkest phases of your life, that is the biggest appreciation you've ever got. Why do you need it from someone else? If you will not appreciate yourself, then who will? Always appreciate yourself.
Rejections can't diminish your worth. Hardships, agony, and ordeals are your best friends. They will never leave you alone. They always try to teach you and help you become a better version of yourself.
When I say “I am the best”, I know how deeply I mean it. I need no one's affirmation. I know I am honest, and I am trying to become better. Self belief, confidence, and passion are the things that make me feel the way I do.
No matter what happens, I know, I am, I was, and I will be the best!
By Arvind Chhipa