By Megha Das
I'll teach my daughter it's okay to be angry
at herself when she
falls prey to eons of
deep-rooted conditioning
even after being brought up in
a society where she's
classified as modern and woke
but sometimes a little too aggressive.
I'll teach my daughter it's okay to be angry
at them when she
lets them question who she is
and what she stands for
and most of all Why! Oh Why
is she the way she is
for the twenty-second time
in the twenty-first century.
I'll teach my daughter it's okay to be angry
at them when she is forced to hide
her baby bump. Tch, she won't be as focused anymore.
Or when she is pushed to deny
her relationship. Tch, she will soon quit to get married.
Or when she tries to survive the day
through her pain. Tch, she is always sick and tired.
I'll teach my daughter it's okay to be angry
at herself when she
thinks from five hundred perspectives, but
ignores her own and then overthinks about it
till she breaks down to keep up, after which she
paints her hands red, a matching shade on her lips and
eyes black and smiles so bright that the sun
would want to die when really,
she should simply be
okay with being angry.
By Megha Das
I'll do the same
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