By Avranill Chakrabarty
Within us lies a drop of creativity's spark
Threatened by reality's scorching, withering mark
But when we unite, our diverse thoughts entwine
Forming a vibrant tapestry that redefines
Let's not leave India a blank, faded page
Weathered by centuries, its beauty caged
Let's revitalize, reimagine, and set it free
Painting a masterpiece of hope, unity, and glee
Together, let's clear the thorns that block our way
And sweep aside the dust that veils a brighter day
Let's soothe nature's fury, calming the troubled sky
And forge a new India, born of collective sigh
The dawn of truth has broken, a new milestone in sight
Leaving the past behind, we step into the light
I envision a resurgent India, vibrant, bold, and free
Let's script a new narrative, infused with unity.
By Avranill Chakrabarty