By Vanshi Sheth
Just once, I want to tell him how I feel
Just once, I want to show him what he means to
Just once, I want to be his legacy
Just once, I want to tell him that he is the only one
I see
Just once, I want to tell him this, you are the
Romeo to my Juliet ; the Tristan to my Isolde ; the
Majnu to my Laila and the Antony to my
Forever, I want to feel that I am his;
But then I think…
Just once, what if I focused on myself
Just once, what if I loved myself like I loved him
Just once, what if I lived not for him but me
Just once, what if I became Margaret not Juliet ;
Amelia Earheart not Isolde ; Indira not Laila and
Marie not Cleopatra
Not once, I want to lose myself
But forever, I want to love myself
By Vanshi Sheth