By Divya Rashmi Dudia
“Life is how I make it .
Life is how I treat it.
If I keep complaining I won't ever be happy
If I keep crying I wont be able to deal with it.”
~Divya Rashmi Dudia~
Believing in the ideology that life turns out to be the way I make it.
If stressed ,low and unhappy scenarios become that way.If happy,excited and zestful life is that way. But the amount of stress these days is a bit higher because last month was not easy for me . Things change a lot when your loved ones start targeting,taunting and feeling that I am wrong . Is it my fault? Is it me who changed? Is time unfavorable?
Such questions keep arising when I am filled from within. I am tired of being strong .I am tired of being okay.There are times when I want to cry but I can't. I want to run away from all the responsibilities but I can't. This can't make me helpless.Being a girl, an elder daughter , a writer needs to play my roles well. That feeling of helplessness makes me void from within.
Being soft at heart makes things a bit tough. That nature of thinking about others no matter how they treat me but I let go. That feeling of helping everyone now irritates me .Sometimes it's not okay to be good for this cruel world. I am taken advantage of. I say yes to everyone but actually when I need someone no one is able to help me.
Each time ignoring the scenarios is not easy ,when this becomes a habit bottled up with loads of emotions. The willingness of sharing dies when no one listens . Writing,Journaling and Podcasting are the ways which heal me. Writing is therapeutic to me . It never judges,it never hurts me, it calms my soul.
We hit that level of maturity when I am unwanted and of no use to someone . I am a strong believer of spirituality; there is a power above all of us which guides us ; protects us and heals us. WAHEGURUJI is my happy place. When things are not falling in place I cry and connect to him .He calms me like a mother calms a child. Calling myself a child of God won't be wrong . Happiness or Sadness Gurdwara is the only place which recharges and replenishes my soul.
The expectations are what breaks me. That feeling of someone doing this for me or that for me is what hurts .Lesser the expectations less the worries. Want to lead life as a kid who smiles,plays,runs ,and laughs for no reason . The only thing that kid hopes for is happiness .
Life is such a beautiful concept of loving ,giving and sacrificing up to a certain limit. Because revising my concepts from time to time is what makes me a better human being and hurts me less and makes me wiser. Treasuring its each concept and moment be it happy or sad. Because it teaches ,safeguards and provides experience which gives a better mindset.
Love is what we all crave for and live for. If love misses from life it becomes meaningless and hopeless. Finding a reason to lead or goal is important for me. It shapes life and lately what all I went through was not easy. Blaming each person is not the solution .Learning and moving on is what is. It's a bit harder when an emotional person deals with situations which are not favorable. Be it a broken friendship or work front issues or family issues. We cry in anger,pain and happiness too.
The world feels we are weak but in actuality we are the strongest of all.All i need is a good cry which can sort things.
What has life taught me?
Life is a journey where we learn each moment. Be it any stage of childhood,adolescence or old age that if we haven't learnt we are not leading a life.
Few things which i have learnt till date from life are as follows:
POSITIVITY- I always imagine the worst case scenario or the plan b which helps me. In any course of action hope is what makes the worst cases the best ones.
CONSISTENCY :Being consistent is what makes us successful.It is the key of liveliness .
Any effort,relation,process is never built in a day. It requires consistent hard work.Leaving things half done is not less than a mess.
COMMUNICATE: Communication is what makes each aspect easier . Instead of assumptions, start talking .
As it never creates any sort of misunderstanding and unclear thoughts. Say yes or no because it creates a problem.
LOVE: Love the work you do and it will love you back . Loving is the easiest shortcut to getting things worthy and right. i love each scenario and it becomes easier. Romanticize your problems.
CLEAN- Clean people,mind and aura every now and then because it keeps me sane ,happy and calm. Everything requires cleaning .Remove whatever becomes toxic be it anything.
BIGGEST HEART -Life is small but I keep my heart the biggest because it makes vision and life easier. Acceptance comes easier if we keep a bigger heart .Forgive ,let go and don't hold grudges for a longer period of time.
I am a believer of destiny and hard work both . Life is a balance of emotions,practicality and reality . Learning to accept everything which makes each moment serene and calmer. Love the way I am taught values and virtues by my parents . I found my mom as my best friend when no one was there. She was there for me. Dancing,clapping and encouraging me to live my dream. Only gratitude is my attitude always.
Life be bit easier
Life be it calmer
For i have welcomed everything
Accept me
Be kind to me
Be favorable
Because life is not easier
I am making it worthy and healthy to live longer .
By Divya Rashmi Dudia