By Ruhani Kothari
The harmony of life,
The heaven to ears,
The melody to one,
That leaves no other,
The one that makes all grief fade away,
The one that wipes one’s tears,
The one any can listen to,
To escape the real world,
The one that gives eternal peace,
And finds its true worth…
The tunes, the notes,
Oh! So beautifully hit,
The sound of the universe,
That everyone sings…
One that can be found in
Each part of the world,
The gushing river, the dry leaves,
The soft blown whistle of the wind,
The calm ocean waves hitting the shore,
The honey bees buzzing,
The birds chirping more and more…
The language sung by all
Is music alone….
By Ruhani Kothari
Delhi mein reh ke yeh sb kra tuh
Again some beautiful
Bruu sab ne ek sath krdiya??
Goody goody 👍🏻