By Karthika Rajan
My roots grew far too deep
Buried deep inside an undernourished soil
That leached everything from me
Everything I once loved
Are those I love
caught up in things
All-consuming and never ending
I wish they had tried harder
Harder to pull me out
Before I had laden my leaves
With bitter sadness
And my sagging branches
Dusted in the black ash of anger
Every day I fall asleep
I dream of a life
less of grandeur and glamour
More of bright shining sun
Lovely spring and lovely birds
Full of music
Full of love.
Yet, in those rare times
Under the hood of a rainy day
I pick up a crumbling moment
From a world long forgotten
And hold myself up
Hovering over those I love
For they shall not be alone
Never will be.
By Karthika Rajan