By Kenlumzailie Michui
I found a quote somewhere by Van Gogh,
It goes –
"I dream of painting and then I paint my dream"
I have met people with Dreams
And I have met people with dreams.
It's the same thing,
There's just one difference:
People with Dreams are passionate
And People with dreams? They fantasize.
To me, you're the epitome of the former.
You remind me of me,
Of how much passion I had for my dream,
Of how I'd stay up all night studying grammar because I was so bad at it,
Of how I'd have the willpower to get up early and be productive,
Of how I'd even cry and study because I was so afraid of failures,
Of how I'd imagine my family happy as I made something of myself,
A while ago I lost everything and with it all of that,
But I think I have found it again,
Even if I have not, I know I will –
Not anywhere but in you.
So please continue to be a Muse,
To me, to your siblings and the village folks.
There are a lot of things passion alone can do,
Just imagine how far you can go if you add willpower to it.
I can imagine,
No! I can already see it.
There are times you find motivation and inspiration in the littlest things,
There are times you find the little kid in you, precious,
There are times you found every day different, not constant but progressing.
I think those are times we're closest with our dreams,
And times we should never let go of,
Hold on to it for dear life.
Why? Because
"To live is to dream – it is the same thing"
By Kenlumzailie Michui