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Plastic And Life

By Madhumitha K S

The term marine is derived from the Latin word mare, which means sea or ocean. Marine life includes plants, animals and small organisms that reside in water bodies. Such water is always brackish or salty, making it unfit for human usage. Marine life forms an important part of nature. The microorganisms present in water produce oxygen and other essential gases. Many forms of life primarily evolved through marine habitats. It is mainly because water bodies (especially oceans) occupy a major volume of space on the earth. The earliest vertebrates were the fish that can only stay alive in water. Fish were later followed by amphibians that can live on both land and water. The fish progressed into bigger mammals like seals, dolphins, sharks and whales. The plant forms like algae, plankton and kelp helped underwater ecosystems to thrive thereby forming the ocean food chain. Millions of diverse marine species have been documented and studied through subjects like marine biology and biological oceanography.

Plastics are synthetic materials composed out of polymers made of petroleum. Their flexibility allows them to be moulded and modified into objects of countless shapes. Plastic is inexpensive, weightless, ductile, durable and adaptable. Plastics are derived from chemicals and derivatives that find application in medical field, packaging, piping, construction, household appliances, electronics, automobiles, furniture, and toys.

Million tons of plastic are used to create small goods like cups, straws, bags. An average of 50 kg of different types of plastic is produced annually per person, with the production doubling every decade. The extended usage of plastics has become the key reason for extensive environmental problems. Plastic has slow decomposition rate and plastic is caught in landfills, causing environmental pollution. The plastic industry promoted recycling and reusing to mitigate environmental concerns while continuing to produce virgin plastic.

Plastic is the burning problem that affects the marine environment and contaminates terrestrial ecosystems. It poses threat to ocean safety, human health and contributes to drastic climatic changes. A minimum of 8 million tons of plastic are disposed of in the oceans every year. Marine litter is mainly composed of floating plastic debris and sea sediments and has been detected on shores of water bodies and tourist destinations. Sources of marine plastic are sewers, industries, illegal dumps, marine activities and aquaculture. Plastic breaks into smaller particles (microplastics/nanoplastics) due to natural factors like UV rays, winds and currents.

The most disturbing impacts are consumption, suffocation and entanglement of marine species. Marine wildlife such as seabirds, fishes and turtles mistake plastic for food. They mainly die of starvation once their stomachs are filled with plastic debris. Marine animals are hurt from cuts, infections, inability to swim and internal injuries. Floating plastics add to the spread of bacteria which disturb ecosystems. Plastic has paved way to the extinction of many marine species. Oil spills is a form of pollution that causes major damage to marine animals by poisoning them, cutting off oxygen and destroying their insulating ability. Invisible plastic identified in oceans comprises carcinogenic chemicals which disrupt body functioning through neurological, reproductive and immune disorders. The contaminants enter digestive systems, and ultimately accrue in the food web. Consumption of seafood encourages the transfer of contaminants between marine species and humans and is a health hazard. Moreover, plastic contributes to global warming and damages aesthetic value of tourist spots.

Global concern and public awareness addressing the negative impact of plastic on marine environment are gradually improving. It is one of the main emerging issues affecting the environment. Legal efforts are being made at different levels to address this burning issue. ‘Recycle and reuse’ is the best decision to be followed in order to reduce pollution that damages the environment. Appropriate waste disposal methods can improve the prevention of garbage accumulation. Government and private entities have to work cautiously to reduce plastic waste. More awareness must be created to address the issue and come up with a solution to mitigate the damage caused to marine life.

By Madhumitha K S



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