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Please Don't Make Me An Orphan While My Parents Are Breathing

By Sanya Shah

It starts with the thought that the world revolves around you. When God created you he replaced veins and blood with plastic straws and artificial colouring. He added sweetener too but I think it must’ve been out of date. Additional ingredients like manipulation and deception mixed with that artificiality make up your perfect recipe. You keep trying to collect brownie points by your “natural” actions when out in the public. Their eyes are scouring for gossips;

they don’t understand that you’re the gossip queen. At least you excel at something. Good for you! Interestingly, since you like to blow anything and everything out of proportion, God literally gave you a disproportionate structure that you’re so keen on avoiding discussing. Yeah, I’m not interested either. Let’s not even talk about your “unique” ability to sever ties between others’ relationships. I hope God doesn’t find it funny enough to make you go through the same, even though you deserve it. I didn’t know I had it in me to criticize someone like this, but then again, I’m curious as to how anyone can think of you even slightly differently. Enough said, however. I’ll wish you well and be on my way. With all the stories I’ve yet to write, there’s no room for people in my head anyway!

By Sanya Shah

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