By Dhruv Mehta
Part me away as I walk this road and reshuffles my mind;
Hey God, I am talking to you;
Show me your mercy and seperate
this evil and good in me,
Ignite that fire which burns my heart
for eternity,
So i can salvate each part of me, And let every part of me rejoice with the cadence of your name;
I feel defeated today, Bhagwan; I need you urgent, today;
Put this omen out and left me with good;
Make me your burning candle that burns in the light of your presence; Let me be awaken from the slumbers that made me doubt my essence;
I am the summary of my intentions, So let me submerge my mind in your holy river,
Because I realise that I am a drop in
the ocean that comes out as a
So bhagwan;
Have mercy on my plight,
Let me rent an abode under the presence of your sight,
And take my virtues as your fee.
By Dhruv Mehta