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Sometimes Its Ok Not To Be Ok

Updated: Jun 5, 2023

By Varun Arora

Sometimes it's ok to let our guard down,

Sometimes it's ok to shout, cry or frown...

Sometimes it's ok to let the tears flow,

In order to help the soul retain its glow...

Sometimes it's ok to take a break,

Stop acting strong and carrying around smiles fake....

Sometimes it's ok to fall down ,

To regain and replenish the strength to grow back tall and strong even after touching the ground ....

Sometimes it's ok to lay on the ground ,

To rest and make a come back to reach double the heights in a rebound...

Sometimes it's okay to retreat,

For our safety and peace there is nothing wrong with it....

Sometimes it's ok to be over confident,

Rather than letting self doubt destroy our original character and leave our confidence with a permanent dent ....

Sometimes it's ok not to judge ourselves harshly and to be kind to our self,

We don't always need to unnecessarily make our life miserable and difficult.....

Sometimes it's ok to waste time,

Living a few moments for our self is not a crime ....

Sometimes it's ok to relax and take rest ,

Rather than later feeling drained and depressed....

Sometimes it's ok to have an emotional breakdown,

Rather than suffocate inside alone carrying the burden of perfection crown ....

Sometimes it's ok to share and vent out the frustration and sadness ,

Rather than pushing ourselves into depression and madness...

Sometimes it's ok to share our heart with people we consider our own,

Rather than letting the pain inside turn our heart into stone ....

Sometimes it's ok not to care about others opinions and what others think,

Not letting the negativity of the world around us make our zest for life and our dreams sink ...

Sometimes it's ok to do things that make us happy,

And not think about others opinions and feel shitty or crappy ....

Sometimes it's ok being our true self,

Letting our dreams and hopes replenish and develop....

Sometimes it's ok to open our hearts to random people when our peace n happiness is in danger,

For every friend we made was once upon a time nothing more than just a stranger ...

Sometimes it's ok to forgive or forget ,

Rather than losing our peace in anger or regret....

Sometimes it's ok to question when in doubt,

Rather than letting the weeds of misunderstandings sprout....

Sometimes it's ok to show our vulnerable side,

Letting others have a glimpse of our true life....

Sometimes it's ok to ask for help,

Letting others protect us while we heal and develop....

Sometimes it's ok to let others stand by our side,

Letting them be our support and guide through life's high and low tide ....

Sometimes it's ok letting others help and support us in our fight,

Sharing our heavy loads with others helps ease the travel ride of our life ....

Sometimes it's ok to say our heart to remain of sane mind ,

Keeping our feelings and thoughts repressed inside the heart will only make us go crazy with time .....

Sometimes it's ok to act selfish and not empathic or kind,

Once in a while, we should let our heart and feelings be ruled over by the wisdom of our mind....

Sometimes it's ok to trust and put our doubts of being let down to test,

Facing our fears and hoping for the best....

Sometimes it's ok to chase our dreams,

Ignoring our failures, believing we are destined to win ....

Sometimes it's ok let ourselves be pampered,

Because there's lot evil in life that has already made our happiness hampered......

Sometimes it's ok to choose a wrong over a right ,

Mistakes makes us human and learning from them makes us wise ....

No one can be perfect always even after endless try,

It's ok, not to be ok and once in a while it's ok to cry …..

By Varun Arora

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