By Yogita
Waking up before sunrise is a glorified practice in practically all religion, culture and faith. Why is it so important to get up early in the morning?
It is because the environment, one and half hour before sunrise holds powerful mysteries, especially the time between 4:00AM and 5:30AM. Hence this period is also as Brahma Muhurta. Brahma is the creator and Muhurta means time. So, it is creator’s time. The potential of creation is at peak during Brahma Muhurta. You can create all that you want in this period very easily. If you want new knowledge, you can create it. If you want new skill, you can learn it. If you want to build health, want to develop yourself and want to find some solution, you will get it all at this time. The whole universe acts like a womb early in the morning.
It is filled with mysterious cosmic energy. Vedas and basically in Ayurveda it is mentioned that this energy can seep through your body very smoothly, if you are awake. Your Sahasrara Chakra, the Crown Chakra is naturally wide open in the morning and this is the gateway for the cosmic flow. Hence your subconscious mind is easily accessible at this time. So, what else do you need? Your subconscious is wide open and receptive and the environment is full of energy, divine energy to help you.
Few techniques which can be tuned at this time-
Shudhi Kriya- Do Jal Neti. Take warm water with a little salt inside and take the water in the palm and sniff the water to take it out from your mouth as well as your nose. Do it on the other side. After that do Kapal Bhati that is breathing and breathing out fast from the nostrils. This is beautiful Shudhi Kriya for the sinuses, for internal nostrils. These can open up energy channels and remove all the blockages from the channels.
Anulom Vilom- This is the pranayama in which inhale and exhale from the nostrils.
Chanting OM
So, all these techniques will take maximum half an hour and after that you can start the work because at this time when you work, you will definitely get very good results. So, make full use of this golden period, divine period, mysterious period. Wake up!
By Yogita
Beautiful sharing 👍