By Keyur Patil
“The best thing about love is that it changes from person to person.” He said. It fascinates me!”
He remembred a distant memory. A memory of stardust and sweet music playing softly.
His legs don't move with the same vigorous rhythm now, but whenever 'Its been a long, long time' starts to play, he happily gets up on his feet and starts to dance with a shadow. He smiles madly. And whenever I see him I just wish that she could see him too. She would be proud.
Once I saw him buying flowers. I wondered 'Whom for?' but I lef without worrying too much. But then while walkinfghome, I found those flowers on her grave. He too was there, not weeping, but smiling and talking to her.
I did not see him go home that day The hour was late and I worried, so I left to look for him in the graveyard of love. There he was. Dancinf in the moonlight with the love of his life as 'Its been a long, long time' played.
So I left him to his musings. I would wail and cave in if I wore his shoes but then I rmemebered him saying, “The best thing about love is that it changes from person to person.
Where others cried for the moments that were lost. He smiled for the memories that stayed.
By Keyur Patil
I wish I could write anything close to that. That’s too good!