By Manoj Vaz Ramchandran
Up above the world in strife,
Flew a dove, determined as ever.
The message could mean life,
After all, the war was not over.
Guns felling the innocent,
Bombs burying them in hell.
No time to forgive or relent,
If you survive, we wish you well.
The hawks and eagles hid,
In the dark clouds that loomed.
Yet the lone dove flew, intrepid,
To save a civilization doomed.
As he made his descent,
He fell in the rifle’s crosshair.
Not a soldier who shot him,
But a hunter who poached the air.
Bloodied, peace lay butchered,
A meal for the hunter’s canine.
While another dove prepared,
To fly a hope of peace divine.
Angels fall, yet more angels rise,
To find peace that man opposed.
Sorry in sorrow rather than wise,
What God proposed, he disposed.
By Manoj Vaz Ramchandran