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The Heist

Updated: 6 days ago

By Zoe Palyekar


1. The Orphanage 2. Class 7-1 

3. An Abrupt Argument

4. Children Are Smart

5. Gadgets and Gizmos

6. Assembly 

7. Preparations 

8. Children Are Also  Stubborn 

9. Tragic Hatred 

10. Convinced? 

11. 2 Down, 1 To Go 12. Recruiting Adam 13. The Plan 

14. Sabotage 

15. The Real Plan 

16. Christmas Eve 

17. The Cage Escape

18. The Actual Plan

19. Adopted? 

20. Everyone Knows

21. Snitches Get Stiches

22. Truce

M"t The Ch)act,s! 

The F&est Owls 

Ava Miller – Head Of Traps 

Ellie Nelle – Head Of Planning 

Olliver Johnson – Head Of Resources 

James Brown– Head Of Strength 

The Orphanage W&k3s 

Ms. Alma – The Orphan Keeper 

Ms. Selma – President Caretaker 

Mr. Doug – Vice President Caretaker 

Ms. Anna – Class 7-1 Caretaker 

Mr. Smith – Class 7-2 Caretaker 

Oth3 Imp&tant Ch7act3s 

Ms. Claire – Librarian Of “The Book Nook” 

Ms. Hannah – News Reporter Of “Reliable News Now (RNN) Bella Martinez – Trusted Friend Of The Forest Owls




 O&iv 4 

Ms. Alma  

 Ms. Selma  

Mr. Doug 

 Ms. A7a5 

Mr. Smith  

 Ms. Cla;e  

Ms. Ha7ah 



Chapt& 1 – 

The Orphanage 

In a lovely suburban area, a big, beautiful building was home to  ‘THE SUNNY RISERS ORPHANAGE’ which was one of the  most protected orphanages in the world. But such a high level of protection is not necessarily good. 

The security was so tight that if you had to go to any place like even the bathroom, you had to get permission from the orphan  keeper. So, there was no free will for any orphan. 

And the fact that all the adults over there treated the orphans  like dog droppings was like the rotten cherry on top of this  poisonous cake of an orphanage. 

This orphanage was like Alcatraz, but the punishments were  “somewhat” less brutal more mental as they were children, but it was just as hard to escape because this orphanage was  huge, in fact, the biggest in the country. 

They were taught inside the orphanage itself, and were  organized by grades, such as 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2, and so on.

Speaking of this, in class 7-1, the orphanage appointed a pretty  looking middle-aged woman named Ms. Anna. Although, Ms.  Anna was not new here, all the students thought she was because they were regularly forced to lose their memories by  the orphanage. You may be wondering why they went through  this procedure. Many children had tried to escape the  orphanage, which prompted management to make ‘The  Memory Chamber’. They thought erasing their memories was a  good idea; it was not of course; all that protection (security  guards, cameras, etc.) for the orphanage was expensive, so they couldn’t aXord to make a proper memory remover. But  what I “DO” know is that all the people – sorry, the “DEMONS” did was medicate the children. Few adults grouped in a small  room above the children’s sleeping area wore gas masks and  sprayed a ‘secret’ sleeping gas in the floor vents (This was  actually a chloroform-based gas) 

Ms. A7a

Speaking of memory loss, the adults forgot that chloroform based gas does not erase your memory, all it does is put you to  sleep. The students had foggy memories for a minute or so (because they were sleepy), and then they regained every  memory they had, even the ones they had previously forgotten.  So much for memory loss! All I can say is that memory loss  aside, the life of the orphans here was ROUGH. All orphans  ages 0-15 had to undergo this treatment. They would have  probably been better-oX living alone as orphans. 

After they pass the 10th grade, they will be able to finally  escape “THE SUNNY RISERS ORPHANAGE” and get a real job  in the real world. But by then they’re too traumatised to really  do anything except sit in a corner covered by a fluXy blanket  with a cup of tea and severe PTSD, bawling their eyes out and  shivering with fear as if they saw the most frightening monster  in the world chasing them in their nightmares. Obviously,  something is very wrong with these orphans (other than the  fact that they know how to do calculus in 3rd grade) but there is  something that I must tell you, no matter what secrets I tell you  about this orphanage, is that you (yes, YOU) must zip up your  mouth and not breathe a WORD about any of this to anyone. Back to the story, so you know how I said that this was one of  the most protected orphanages in the world? Here’s a handy  tip that I forgot to tell you guys, it’s that NO ONE HAD EVER  ESCAPED THIS ORPHANAGE. Until now...

Chapt& 2 – 

Cla2 7-1 

Class 7-1. The so-called ‘disorderly class but, the smartest  class. Good but bad! Smart but naughty! Clever but curious! This class was built diXerent. This paradox of a class was  handled by Ms. Anna. Every day she’d come in the class with a  big smile on her young face and every second you saw her she  had a smile when she looked at you , one of the only kind faces in this orphanage. But sadly, a fake smile is only a shield, that  covers your real feelings. And that was the case with Ms. Anna,  told and taught that a smile is necessary at all times. Legend  has it, that if you ever see Ms. Anna without a smile on her  face, you are doomed to go in the ‘Containment Centre’. Famously called ‘The Hole’ by the orphans, it is a box in the  staX room, where the child is supposed to sit. They put a  speaker on with eerie noises and fill the room with fake  monsters and shut the door. They also place the fake monsters


such that as soon as the child tries to get out of the box, a  monster is staring them square in the face. 

This really worked well against the younger ones, but for  troublemaking 12-year-olds, I mean, the older kids didn’t  come out crying with wet pants, oh, no, no. You see, these  smart 12-year-olds snuck in a torch, water, a sandwich or a  banana, a watch, and crafting scissors from the art room. 

This was their plan : 

They were thrown inside the box at around 10 o’clock at night around bedtime for most other normal students. They would  eat their snack at around 11, the sleeping hours of the staX  and teachers. They would then get out of the box, turn on the torch, and use the crafting scissors to cut out the preinstalled  paper monsters (they were made of cardboard and paper, so  this was not too diXicult) and proceed to the washroom. By  then it would be midnight, dark, scary, and perfect. They would  quietly tiptoe back to their dorm, and sleep, happy and content  by the adventure. 

But other kids rarely were able to achieve the same result.11 

Chapt& 3 – 

An A7upt Argument 

“We have to carefully sneak through the vents, quiet as a  mouse, and Ava (this is where you come in) will throw her  smoke bombs, got it?” 

“Ellie, should I use the regulars, or the extra -smoky ones?” 

“Well Ava, we will attack at such a time when there wouldn’t  be a lot of people, but carry the extra-smoky ones, just in  case.”  

Olliver speaks abruptly – “What if we get caught?” 

“Caught?” said James. “We’ll have to sit in the Hole, then! Work out through our “necessary punishment’.” 

Olliver’s lip quivered. “The H-h-hole?” He was shivering. “B-b but the Hole is t-t-terrifying!” 

Ava, understandably frustrated, spoke –


“Olliver, what has gotten into you?! You are the Head of  Resources; this is your job!” 

Ava E&ie James O&iv-

“Quite frankly, Ava is right. You are the best at swiping things! It  is your skill! Square up!” 

“Calm down, Ava and Ellie. Olliver is new here. He does not  know the way we work. It is ok.” 

“Yeah, guys. Please. Sometimes I-I just get scared for no  reason. I’m – I’m just weird.” 

“Well, so are we.” Ava said calmly. 

“We are sorry, Olliver.” said Ellie, in a faint voice of apology. James chimed in - “I’ll say sorry too.”  

Olliver sniXled. “Thanks. We should-um, uh....” 

“Get back to the plan?” said Ellie. 

“Yeah...” said Olliver. 


“So, once Ava throws the smoke bombs, James and Olliver will  jump out of the vents, using Ava’s noise-less boots, and raid  the snacks supply. Take everything! By then we would throw  down the rope for both of you to climb up on. We will do this at  midnight.” 

“But Ellie,” said Ava, “how would we meet, that is, how will we  make sure that both boys and girls can pull oX this heist  together?” 

“With this!” exclaimed Ellie. 

She pulled out a passkey-card. 

“Where did you get that?!” exclaimed James. 

“Me.” said Olliver.


Chapt& 4 – 

Chil<en Are Sm>t 

Everyone looked at Olliver with a great deal of astonishment.  Him!? They couldn’t believe it. Oliver the scaredy cat had  actually done something extremely substantial. After a handful  of praise from each, they started to focus on the task at hand. 

Children are smarter than we give them credit for. These kids  had devised an interesting code, that each member had soon  mastered. The words used to be spelt backwards, without the  vowels.  

For instance, if you wanted to write the word ‘intelligent’ in this  code, you would have to write ‘tnglltn’ as your word. As for  numbers, they would always be 3 lesser, so if they scheduled a  meeting at 7:00 pm, the letter (written by Ava) would look  something like this:


Rd Tsrf Lw Rbmm,  Gntm t 7 mp  


Dear Forest Owl Member, Meeting at 7 pm 



Each animal symbolized one of the team members: 


 Ava Ellie James Olliver The symbol was like a signature,  

an animal inscription unique to  only these kids. The Forest Owls  demanded utmost secrecy, but  on each message sent, the other  side would have the symbol: 

(That stands for Forest Owls) 


If they did not get a chance to discuss, this would be the way  they conversed. You may be wondering how they posted the  letter. Simple. In one of the busiest hallways of the orphanage,  there was a table where students could keep their letters. But  the issue they faced (wanting to say derogatory things about  


their teachers) was that each letter was checked to make sure  nothing oXensive or otherwise was being communicated. And  this is where the code comes in. The woman-in-charge of  checking would just think that the person writing the letter was  going raving mad and forgot it all. 

And this is the trick: the teachers and staX all thought that the  students were simply crazy. But the students weren’t, far from  it actually. The Forest Owls were unknown to them, but one  thing was known, and it was known only by the students. 

A society formed! 

Revolting Rebels. 


They are coming!


Chapt& 5 – 

Gadgets And GCmos 

Ava made the gadgets and traps herself. She couldn’t do this  without the help of Olliver, who was sneaky enough to steal all  the materials required. For example, extra-smoky smoke  bombs. 

Materials: 1 red matchbox edge, 1 large matchbox (with all  matches), scissors, 1 keyring and tape. 

Process: Remove all the matches and make a small slit in the  large matchbox (bottom part). Make an open flap behind as  well. Tape the red matchbox edge to the keyring well. Insert the  edge into the slit. Take some matches (8 is good) and put half  on the front of the red edge and half behind. Tape the bottom.  Remember to do this carefully. Put the rest of the matches in  and close the box. Tape the box shut. Your extra-smoky smoke  bomb is ready! (to make regular smoke bombs, use a smaller  matchbox. 

She also make boots padded on the sole with multiple layers  of the orphan keeper’s towels. This makes the sole really plush  and using a hair dryer every now and then helps the  noiselessness. But using them in water is a bad idea...


Chapt& 6 – 


The woman-in-charge gave a particular letter to Ms Alma The letter got Ms Alma all riled up! 

“Assembly for Grade 7. Immediately.” 

“Yes, Miss.” 

The woman-in-charge left running as fast as her short legs  could take her. 

Ms. Alma sat at her table, pondering about what would  happen. She realised that they would be secretive about who  started it.  

The woman-in-charge came back running. 

“Miss, the assembly starts in 10 minutes at the Hall.” “We mustn’t be tardy, let’s go.” 

“Of course, miss.”


They entered the hall to see a group of curious 7th graders,  along with Ms. Anna, Ms. Selma (Ms. Alma’s sister and the  head caretaker), Mr Doug (vice head caretaker) and Mr Smith (class 7-2 teacher).  

“As you all know, indiscipline is absolutely not tolerated. But  would you perhaps think and consider that sending a threat  letter (holding up and shaking the letter violently) is a violation  of this rule?” said Ms. Alma. 

The children all replied with – “Yes!” and “Of course!” But only four children said “NO!” 

Ms. Alma

Ms. Alma’s face grew red hot. No? Really? Surely the kids  knew better than this. But then she saw who came up front on  the platform. 


Them - Ava, Ellie, James and Olliver. Little rascals. “Well then! Tell us why.” 

“May I go first?” said Ava, in a kind and a sort of mocking voice. “Yes, you may.” 

“This letter is only conveying an action that is to happen. How  can it be a threat?” 

Mr Smith had a serious look on his face. Ms. Selma was simply  chuckling. She loved seeing her sister be flustered. 

Ms. Alma abruptly spoke - “I will have to cut this short, Ava, but  let me just read it out loud. 

Dear Ms. Alma,  

Be wary of the Revolting Rebels of the  Seventh. The R.R. of the 7th.  They are coming. They will attack.  Havoc shall be wreaked.  

Yours truly,  


Commented [AP1]: Baba chk

See how is it threatening you by saying ‘havoc shall be  wreaked?”  

Ellie calmly (while stifling a chuckle) said – “That statement  does not have any intentions of threat.” 

“And let me tell you why,” said Olliver. “as the writer is only  informing us about what would happen if the R.R. of the 7th ever broke loose!” 

“And as we had justified before, the letter is only INFORMING,  NOT THREATENING!” said James. 

Mr Doug stood up and stated that the children do have a point.  “Containment Centre.”Ms. Alma whispered. 

She couldn’t handle the fact that the kids were right, and thus,  punished them. 

But this was just a part of the plan. 

The Escape Plan Of The Forest Owls. 

Or for short, “The Cage Escape”


Chapt& 7 – 


“You are absolutely crazy & I want to join.” said Bella, Ellie’s  classmate, after looking at a pamphlet that Ellie gave her. It  said: 

Do you want to get out from this orphanage? Be free? 

Not having any studies, nor instructions from middle aged men and women who want  better in life? 

All you have to do is this: 

Meet Ava and Ellie near the water fountain next to Geography class, or James and  Olliver near the lungs painting next to Biology class. 

You can meet either of the pairs ONLY in Food Breaks and just before 10:00 pm. If you accept our deal, then you shall be a soldier taking part in this glorious war.



Pick your side 

We’re waiting for you 

Kind regards 

This was the letter given to EVERY single 7th grader by the  Forest Owls.  

By 10:00 pm (bedtime), 47 kids (including them 4) were ready  to join! 

But 3 kids were left. 

The 3 most stubborn kids. 

Yusef, Janice and Adam


Chapt& 8 – 

Chil%en Are Also Stu01n 

So, remember when I said that children are smart? Well, they  are also stubborn. Really. 

For example, Yusef! 

Yusef literally shaved all of the hair on his head as a dare  instead of just giving Olliver a pencil that he himself didn’t like! 

And Janice! 

She crept outdoors and screamed something rude (which is  unheard of here) at 2:00 am instead of just talking to Nadia  about her fight with Aidan. 

The reason? It gave Janice nightmares. As if the slur she said  wouldn’t give the whole area nightmares either. 



Honestly, he’s a tattletale 

That one kid in front of whom you should always be quiet 

All of these mishaps reside in class 7-2 

And that’s even worse... 

You’ll find out why!


Chapt& 9 – 

Tragic HaMed 

There is a reason this chapter is called tragic hatred. This long winded and amazing (ly boring) story is a tale as old as time,  like Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and- ok, this is getting too long, and I am sounding like a librarian. Funny I say that, though, anyway, let’s start the story. This is the reason 7-1 and 7-2 not  getting along with each other 

A pair of perfect twins, Nadia and Aidan, both were stars. All  Ms. Anna could say is that once they leave, they would get far. But one day, Janice claimed that Aidan had mocked her. Turns  out Aidan had just asked her if she needed help in one  complicated problem in homework during recess. Result: A  very red Janice holding a metal bottle next to a very  unconscious Aidan. Of course, Nadia was angry. And obviously  Mr. Smith took class 7-1’s side, but Janice was not happy 


about that. And the slur that ensued was the reason that 7-1  and 7-2 have a very rocky relationship. 

How was the story? Pretty generic, I must say. 

But this event caused such a substantial rift between the  classes that out of 50 kids, there are only 2 pairs of friends. But  these friends were some of the most important people for this  mission.


Chapt& 10 – 


“Please, Janice, please!” said Walter. “It’s for your own good!” 

“Sorry not sorry, but I ain’t going to join. You should know  better, Walter!” 

“But my 7-1 friend! 

“Get lost. I thought being in 8-2 you knew better, big brother!” 

Janice walked away from her big brother as if she was the  Queen Of The World. And unsurprisingly, this Queen was also  not that smart, though she thought she was OVER smart. She  wasn’t that bright to find out that over smart had a diXerent  meaning. 

Yusef was also like Janice, albeit more gross. As Janice went  towards Yusef, she always had to overreact for him to help her. 


You see, Janice loved being the centre of attention. But only  Yusef used to listen. Hm! Really makes you wonder. But  anyways, she told Yusef about ‘how stupid it is to join the R.R.  of the 7th’ and ‘how she is being pressured to join’ and also  ‘how she absolutely hates her big brother’. While Janice keeps  rambling on and on, Yusef wonders about whether to join or  not. Janice realises that he is not paying attention and  proceeds to strut her way towards her cafeteria table. The bell  rings and after a mild slur she struts her way towards her next  class, Geography.


Chapt& 11 – 

2 Down, 1 To Go 

As Janice struts her way to Geography, she notices Ava and  Ellie walking back to their class. In a brief moment of  desperation, she runs towards them and starts blabbering  about all the nonsense she told Yusef. Ava and Ellie exchange  a quick smirk before Ava says: 

“Do you want your woes to be heard?” 


“Then join the R.R. of the 7th !” said Ellie hurriedly. “Hmm... what does that stand for?” 

Ava quickly and flawlessly said “ Ready Responses of the 7th .” 

All three were five minutes late to class, but it was an  achievement to see that only Yusef and Adam were left to sign  up.


The next day was the 19th of December, when during the Lunch  break, Yusef came to meet James and Olliver near Biology Class. Yusef said that he wanted to join the R.R. of the 7th. 

The pair were delighted to see this sight. One signature later,  49 slots on their sheet were filled. But only one was left. 


Two down, one to go.


Chapt& 12 – 

ReUuiting Adam 

The Forest Owls figured that recruiting Adam in the R.R. would  be quite diXicult to do, so imagine their surprise when Adam  came trotting towards the Forest Owls at 9:57 pm on 19th of  December, just as the group were about to head to their  respective dorms. 

“Hey, guys, can I... 

“WHAT IN THE ABSOLUTE WORLD are you doing here,  ADAM?!” said James, flabbergasted to see Adam pay at least  more than a grain of heed to them. 

“You see, I want to join your army. The look on your faces  seems like you don’t want me to join. Well ok then, I’ll just  leave~~”


“NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!” said the Forest Owls! They, by ALL  means wanted Adam in the R.R. of the 7th . 

“Ok, then! Just because you wanted me to so desperately join.  Oh! Look at the time. It’s 9:59. Bye~” 

The four sprint up to their dorms, each counting the time by the  second. 5...4...3...2...1... 

There was complete darkness in every single dorm. Only staX and teacher dorms, and the corridors’ lights were on. By 11,  even those lights would be oX. Complete silence and utter  darkness. No one would walk the halls. 

And it was at that moment that all four realised - they never got  the snitch’s signature. 

The next morning on 20th the four rushed over to the cafeteria  and got his signature. Now Adam was one and truly a part of  the ‘R.R. of the 7th’. No amount of whining and crying to Mr.  Smith and Ms. Anna would help him if he switched sides,  because the Forest Owls had proof. 

Janice had also put her (over) smartness to use and figured out  that the R.R. of the 7th did not stand for ‘Ready Responses of  the 7th’ but in fact the ‘Revolting Rebels of the 7th’. She was  pretty mad for this name change and then, like the Karen she  was, stormed over to the four people who had let her join,  although calling it a diXerent name. This argument gets really  long so I’ll portray it as a script, quick and easy . Here it is:


A: Hi Janice! 



E: Ok, Janice, not here! This is supposed to be secret,  remember! Secret! 



Js: Ok now Janice, once we told you a secret it must stay secret. Got it? GOT IT? 

Jn: nods 

O: Let’s go. We need to talk. But not here, not now. Come on.  And that was the long argument.  

They took Janice to a hall filled with every single 7th grader in  their orphanage, stuXing their faces. Janice was allowed to sit  on a chair, provided she stay silent. 

“Welcome to the first meeting of the R.R. of the 7th.”35 

Chapt& 13 – 

The Plan 

“This plan will help us escape the orphanage. All 46 of you will  quietly tiptoe near the main exit door at 11:59 am on Christmas Eve. Meanwhile me, Ellie, James and Olliver will  steal some supplies from the storeroom. From there on you  will be free. Considering your current level of smartness, you  could get adopted, or just live alone. You could live with your  distant relatives too.” Said Ava. 

“Thank you, Ava, for this brief information about the plan. And  now, let’s see the plan in MUCH more detail.” Says Ellie, while  holding a rather large chart in her hand. She quickly attaches it  to a stand and starts explaining.


Main The Plan 



Wh.e a0 46 of  

you wi0 be 







“As you can see, this plan is divided into two parts. All 46 of  you will quietly stand next to the main exit door, shrouded in  darkness. Four of us will steal some supplies and snacks from  the storeroom. We will spend the early morning in the forest  nearby and then leave at the crack of dawn. DO YOU  UNDERSTAND?” 

“Yes, Ellie.” Said everyone. 

“Good, because I forgot one detail. Not a single teacher, staX  member or a student of a diXerent grade should wake up and  see the escape. Or else, we are doomed.” 

“Doomed, you say? Ha! I’ll make sure the only one who’s  doomed is YOU.” Quietly thought Adam. A cunning smirk arose  on his face. He knew exactly what to do.


Chapt& 14 – 


Adam told Janice and Yusef about what he planned to do.  

“They wouldn’t even know what hit them! It would be so  glorious, and the best bit is, we’ll still get to escape! While they  will have to stay in the box forever!” said Adam. 

“Are you sure? Because I think if they are caught, we might get  caught as well...”  

“You just had to think negative? Seriously Yusef?” “That’s enough.” 

“Let’s tell the teachers what they are doing!” 

“Be the snitch!” 

They tell Mr. Smith and Ms. Anna everything. Safe to say, the  teachers were a wee bit angry.




Forget when I said they were a wee bit mad. 

Now every single staX member knows. 

But they won’t do anything. 

As catching a thief red-handed is far more eXective.40 

Chapt& 15 – 

The Real Plan 

On the 21st everyone but the three snitches were invited. As if  the trio really wanted to go. But even if they wanted to, the R.R.  switched meeting halls. Why, you ask? 

Because this was planned. 

Adam being a snitch was planned. 

The teachers knowing was planned. 

That night, when the Forest Owls would steal the snacks from  the storeroom, the teachers and the trouble-making trio would  barge in. But Ava’s smoke bombs would make stealing an easy  

task. They would also tie up the teachers and the trouble making trio (Adam, Janice and Yusef). After that, the Forest  Owls and the R.R. of the 7th would escape and finally be free. 

“And that is the gist of what the real plan is.” Said Ava.41 

“This plan is only known by the 43 of you and the 4 of us.” said  Ellie. 

“This plan will only work if the trouble-making trio DON’T know  this secret plan.” 

Said James. 

“But once it does, we will be able to escape. Together.” Said  Olliver. 

“Together” Said everybody.


Chapt& 16 – 

Christmas Eve 

It was happening. It was well and truly happening. They would  escape tonight. If it failed, there would be eternal doom for  three more years. Life would be miserable. 

“This is our final meeting for the R.R. of the 7th.” I hope all of  you have packed all of your things. If not, GO and GET TO  WORK.” Said Ava. “I believe this escape won’t go wrong if  everyone just sticks to the plan.” Said Ellie. 

“Congratulations. We made it this far. Every single year, more  diXicult than the one before.” Said James. 

“There is no point in turning back now. Let’s have our final  lunch together.” Said Olliver.


It all came out, tears, sobs and cries of previous trauma. It all  spilled out, all the bottled-up emotions first dripped, and then  came running. All this time, they had been quiet. Like  machines, like unfeeling robots. Not anymore. For this  Christmas, they would get a gift. A gift that they had been  waiting for the past 12 years. 


The chance to not actually be required to do math problems at  a cheetah’s pace. The chance to be normal, talk normal and  live normal. The chance to actually be a real and proper kid.  

It was all too much to bear. 

The children, in a fascinating spectre, started sobbing. But not  because they were sad. Because they were actually getting a  chance to be free. And that’s all they ever asked for.


Chapt& 17 – 

The Cage Escape 

It was time. All the kids lay restless on their beds, waiting  patiently for Christmas to arrive. At 11:55, they could wait no  longer. The children got out of their beds, and quietly tiptoed  towards the main exit door. Bella was clutching a bag and a  small set of lock-picks given to her by Ava. She knew that if the  clock strikes 12:00 am but there was still no one else coming,  she had to use the lock-pick set and escape with the rest of  the R.R. of the 7th. 

James and Olliver swiftly jumped out of the vent and into the  storeroom. The kids stole everything, now that they also had  escape plans in mind. James and Olliver used the passkey card to meet up together. But that is not important. What is  important is what happened after they held the snacks in their 


hand. Ms. Alma and Ms. Selma barged into the room. James  quickly tossed all the snacks up to Ellie, who was quickly  catching each one. Meanwhile Ava threw her extra-smoky  smoke bomb. As Ava threw her smoke bomb, Olliver quickly  used his rope and tied up Ms. Alma and Ms. Selma. He also  tied a cloth around their mouth so they couldn’t scream either.  

After James threw all the snacks up towards Ellie, James and Olliver climbed up the rope and came back in the vent. The  four crawled their way towards the smaller exit. Once they  were there, Ava used her lock-picks to unlock the door and see  the real world for the first time in 12 years. The moon looked  stunningly beautiful, half-enveloped in soft, plush, pearly white clouds. The moon welcomed them, shining softly at first,  and then beautifully. But the happiness was short-lived, as two  guards crept up behind them. Ava noticed them and swiftly  threw three extra-smoky smoke bombs towards the guards.  The smoke dissipated after five minutes, but by then, the  Forest Owls had disappeared into the dark forest at night 

On the other side, it was 12:17 am. Bella had kept trying to  pick the lock when she finally heard it – CLICK! She removed  the lock from the door. She walked out and saw 23 guards  staring at them. It was time to fight. The 46 kids started fighting the guards fiercely. Two kids fought one guard. 22 guards had  fallen, but only one stood. The biggest guard of them all. He  was known for being the most dangerous guard there ever 


was. If you looked at him, he didn’t seem that strong. He  looked weak, even. But the moment anyone would start a fight  with him, they would inevitably lose because of his eyes. His  eyes had such a weird power that anyone would lose as soon  as they even took a glance towards him. Kate, realising this  after Janice fell down because of his gaze, took Janice’s t-shirt  from her bag. She then told Bella and the both of them snuck  behind him. Bella picked up Kate onto her shoulders. Kate  bravely balanced on Bella’s shoulders and quickly tied Janice’s t-shirt around his head, covering his eyes. He tried to untie the  knot, but Kate had done a triple-knot. Bella screamed – ATTACK! And so, they did. And let’s just say, the grey cement floor had turned red. Janice got her bloody t-shirt back, of  course! But this was not the time for woes and sorrows, so  they all walked towards separate houses in the village. The  people were kind enough to let them stay, as long as they took  a nice bath. By 1:30 am, all 46 children were asleep on sofas,  floors, beds or cuddled up against dogs and cats. All went  well! 

In the forest, the Forest Owls had long before found a tall tree  that outgrew the rest of the others. The Forest Owls had to do  with sleeping on grass for that night. But they fell asleep,  looking at the stars and the constellations they formed.


Chapt& 18 – 

The Actual Plan 

“I feel bad for the R.R., you know? Well, not a lot, but still.” Said  Ava. 

“It is depressing that they too, will be cheated by the Forest  Owls.” Said Ellie.  

“Think about the bright side. We will be free.” Said James. 

“And speaking of free, the kids will get a free life lesson on ‘how  to escape on your own’!” said Olliver. 

There was a secret plan that the 43 R.R. of the 7th didn’t know.  The Forest Owls would first steal supplies from the storeroom.  Then they WOULDN’T go help the R.R. escape. They would  actually escape from the smaller gate that leads to a lush  forest. The main gate actually led to a prison-like structure,  which would be mighty diXicult to escape from. But the R.R.  had been fed lies. They actually thought the main gate led to 


the forest, and they were unaware of the smaller, more secret  exit. And anyways, just following one’s orders did not make  one a master. 


Chapt& 19 – 


As the kids woke up at 8:00 am the next day, they saw many  presents under the tree. A few families actually found out  these were escaped orphans. But instead of sending them  back, a few actually adopted them. Like Bella, Kate, David, 


Poppy, Bob and Joe. They also got Christmas presents. Bella  even got a new phone! 

As for the ones who didn’t, they would wander around, until  they too, would eventually find a home. That same morning,  Bella’s dad was reading the newspaper. Bella was sitting with  her new sister Nancy, trying to figure out how to use the phone. Nancy first told her to keep a secret password. Bella kept the  password as 2412. 24th of December. Meanwhile, Dad calls  Bella - “Bella!” 

“Yes, dad?” 

“Were you the only one who escaped, or were there more?” “...” 


“There were 50 of us, but 4 of us didn’t make it.” “Are you sure?” 

“I don’t know, those 4 were the smartest of the bunch.” 

“Because here it says that 46 kids escaped from the main gate  and 4 from the smaller one.” 

“A smaller one? THERE WAS ANOTHER GATE! They’re alive...” “Good to hear.” 

“I knew they couldn’t have given up hope. Those rascals. They left without us. It was just the thing I expected them to do.” 

“They seem fun.”


“They are.” 

Meanwhile, The Forest Owls have left for the city. There they  go to a library. Inside, they see Ms. Claire. “Hel-lo, kids! My  name is Ms. Claire. What book are you going to read today?” 

“Um, we’re not here to read books.” Said Ava. 

“But this is a library. People come here to read books.” “I know, but we’re here to see if we can get adopted.” Said Ellie. “Adopted? Dearie, I’m so sorry! I should have realised earlier.” “Can you, um, adopt us?” said James. 

“Adopt you? The four of you?” 

“Please?” said Olliver. 

“Well, I’ll see. You can come home today, and I’ll decide  tomorrow. You can stay in the library till then!” 

“No, thanks. We’ll roam the city and be back till, what’s your  closing time?” 

“7 pm.” 

“We’ll be back by 6:45.” 


The kids roamed around until they reached a T.V. store. The  store had played the channel “Reliable News Now” or the  “RNN”. And it was at that moment they realised – today’s  news was about them and the R.R. of the 7th! 


Chapt& 20 – 

Ev&yone Knows 

“Hello, my name is Hannah and welcome to Reliable News  Now, where you’ll get reliable news – now! Today’s big news is  about The Sunny Risers Orphanage, where reportedly 50 kids  have escaped from the orphanage’s premises. All 50, strangely  only being from the seventh grade. 46 kids escaped from the  main gate at the front of the orphanage. Witnesses state the  grey path had been made ‘red’. Chilling stuX! The remaining 4  children escaped via the smaller exit gate at the back of the  orphanage. No lives were lost, but police found three small  shells of what seem to be smoke bombs and a number of  guards in an unconscious state. Police also found Ms. Alma  and Ms. Selma tied up in the storeroom, fast asleep. Police  have also found a letter on escapee Ava Miller’s bed. This  letter was a bit diXicult to understand.


Um, just wait a sec- oh? Ok. What! Sorry for the interruption,  folks, but we are going to have to take a break for this session  for a discussion with Ms. Alma from the orphanage. 

H: Hello Ms. Alma. Are you injured in any way because of the  escape? 

A: No, but I have been injured mentally. These kids really think  they are smart. 

H: Actually, Ava Miller has sent a letter to you. I have it with  me, so I’ll just read it out loud. 

A: No need! I’ll just... 

H: Hello Ms. Alma. I know you are mad at me and the others  but consider this as a gift. Four bugs out of your hair. You see,  we’re not just some dumb kids who keep protesting. We  protested, you declined it. Now what would be a better way to  tell someone you don’t like them. You really thought that the  Containment Centre could stop us? Really? Ha! Not in your  wildest dreams. No point in apologising. We stopped that a  long time ago. So, have fun! - Revolting Rebel, Ava Miller. 

Ms. Alma, can I ask you a few questions about this letter? If  you don’t mind, of course. 



H: Ms. Alma, you don’t need to shout. Also, you are required to  not mind if you don’t want to get detained. So, what will it be?  Reveal? Or locked up?  

A: ...Reveal. 

H: Lovely. 1) Who are the four bugs? 

A: Ava Miller, Ellie Nelle, James Brown and Olliver Johnson. H: Thank you. 2) What was the protest? 

A: It was a silly protest, really. I don’t think 


A: I had received an anonymous letter. It threatened me about  the R.R. of the 7th. The R.R. of the 7th was a protest group. R.R.  stood for Revolting Rebels.  

H: Hm. And? 

A: Well, I held an assembly and told every 7th grader that this  was a threat letter. Four kids, the bugs, outwardly said no. I got  angry and shipped them oX to the Containment Centre. This  caused a lot of protest. 

H: Interesting. And 3) What is the Containment Centre? A: Can we talk later about 

H: Do not make me repeat the question. 

A: Any misbehaviour of any child would not be tolerated. They  would be sent in the Containment Centre. It was like the  Chokey from Matilda. The kid would have to sit inside a box. 


There would be carboard and paper monsters around the box.  There would be a speaker that would play eerie music around  the box. The kid would be traumatised inside the box. 

H: I hope you are aware that this is not allowed. 

A: I am aware. 

H: You will be detained due to your actions. 

A: I will not resist. 

Ms. Alma was arrested, and her sister Ms. Selma was being  questioned. But the kids thought that there is no point in  staying any longer. The kids left the T.V. store because they  knew nothing interesting would happen. They went back to the  library, just in time at 6:45. 

“Hm! Maybe I will help get you adopted, dearies.”56 

Chapt& 21 – 

Snitches Get Stitches 

Unfortunately, the troublemaking trio also came to the library  at closing time. As soon as they saw Ellie’s face, they knew  their plan failed. Adam thought of revealing to Ms. Claire that  these four are escapees. As soon as the Forest Owls saw  them, Ava said - “Ms. Claire, let’s go now.” 


“Ms. Claire, trust me, let’s go.”  

“Are you sure?”  


“OK, then.”


They leave, but not before the troublesome trio say- “Hey~~~ did you know they are escaped orphans?” 

“HEYYY~ if we are escaped orphans, who are you, paupers,  maybe?” 

“You look the part.” 

Janice was twitching while muttering something under her  breath. She was clearly very mad. 

James said-“Hey, I know you! You are those escapees! Ms.  Claire, I think you should call the orphanage to send them  back.”  

Yusef said – “NO! I mean, no, because we are not orphans!” Adam said - “Yes! We are not orphans!” 

“Then where are your parents?” said Ms. Claire. “Umm....” 

They started to run away but the Forest Owls caught them and  said – “CALL THE ORPHANAGE!” 

Ms. Claire took them all in her small hatchback car. It was a  tight fit, but as they reached the orphanage, the Forest Owls  said to Ms. Claire - “Ms. Claire, we’ll stay here in the car.” 

“Are you sure?” 


“OK, then. But wait here.”


As soon as Ms. Claire was out of sight with the troublesome  trio, the Forest Owls escaped from the car. They left a note. It  said: 

Dear Ms. Claire,  

I know you may be wondering how we escaped, but some  things are just better left unsaid. I think you are a very wonderful person, but this will take some thought. If  

you do end up adopting us, it would be so amazing. 

Anyways, you might spot us in the library at 6:45pm, but no  promises!  


The Forest Owls 


Commented [JP2]: You are a wonderful person

Chapt& 22 – 


The Forest Owls thought that sending them to the orphanage,  even for them, was too cruel. Although it would be fun to see  them suXer, watching their dumbstruck faces would be even  

more fun. So that is why that night, the Forest Owls returned to  the most least likely place they were returning to. They noticed  that the secret back gate had far more security than before, but  they were not one to be afraid. Ellie pulled out a jar of pepper  

spray. Then Olliver, Ava and James also removed their own. The gang first threw some smoke bombs on the ground. Then  just as the guards were able to make out something small  moving around – SPRAY! Pepper spray wins. The guards  stumbled around blindly, but then the kids blindfolded them.  These blindfolds were special. They had many pins sticking out  near the knot, so that the guards took a lot more time to get rid of it. Olliver swiped the keys from a guard and entered the  orphanage. The gang split up. Ava and Ellie went to get Janice,  James and Olliver went to get Yusef and Adam. Their facial expressions were priceless. “We’ll only let you escape if you  don’t try to sabotage us anymore. Or else.” “Ok! We won’t!” But  60 

Commented [JP3]: Not facial expressions, just  expressions 

when the seven all came near the gate, the guards had gotten  rid of their blindfolds. Ava - “I really don’t want to do this.” James - “But we have to.” Janice - “This is going to give me  nightmares.” Olliver – “Tell them to give you daymares instead.  Now hush!” 

Let’s just say the concrete was red again, with some particular  kitchenware scattered around. 

They slept in the forest that night, although it was more diXicult  this time around due to a very unhappy Janice.  

“Why did you send us back?" said Janice. 

“To teach you a lesson.” said Ava. 

“Ohhhh. Which lesson?” said Janice. 



By Zoe Palyekar

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Jayant Palyekar
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A real engaging story!

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