By Madhumitha K S
The world where you can have too much of a good thing,
Immersed into a grand solitude - eyes opened and doors closed;
Beware the Ides of March!
A love-sick Romeo couldn’t cross paths with his ladylove Juliet-
A young Brutus couldn’t hang out with his amigos-
An Oberon and Titania ceaselessly duelled until they were blue in the face-
Star-crossed lovers Beatrice and Benedick battled over wits-
And the helpless Rosalind and Celia were stuck at home forever and a day.
Such was the hapless fate of the mob with a forgone conclusion.
Howbeit, an Othello of the mob was never swayed by the green-eyed monster,
Greed made a wild-goose chase in coaxing Macbeth
Lear’s wealth remained undistributed as pure as the driven snow!
Mankind that had seen better days came to a standstill-
Chaos melted into thin air,
Enthusiastic thoughts and pristine minds looked forward to a brave new world.
The world rests with closed doors
Navigating through the abnormal,
During such times of uncertainty.
Naked air blows in the fresh mornings,
Adorning the empty streets.
I hear the euphonious chirping of birds rather than cacophonous vehicle horns.
I witness imprisoned men
With masked faces and gloved hands!
Between the melting chaos,
Families, within four walls, exist together
Amidst isolation!
Nature heals herself; sans human intervention
For I have rejuvenated the existing and paved way for retrieving.
The battle is still on,
With me on one side and the globe on the other.
Humanity resists me, yet I remain victorious!
For I will not leave the earth without asserting my power!
By Madhumitha K S