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The Pursuit Of Purpose Over Perfection

By Nimisha

In today’s fast changing world, especially with the influence of social media, the expectations around "standards" have taken on a new, often misleading meaning, especially for the younger generation. The pursuit of perfection, as portrayed on platforms like Instagram has led many to believe that living an aesthetically pleasing life is the ultimate measure of success and happiness. However, beneath the filters and curated images, the reality is far from the picture-perfect lives portrayed online. The pressure to maintain these social media standards has created a distorted sense of what truly defines a fulfilled, high standard life. It's easy to get caught up in the materialistic and superficial markers of success, such as owning the latest iPhone or maintaining a visually appealing profile, but true fulfilment comes from deeper, more meaningful experiences. Too often, we measure our worth against the lives of others, comparing possessions, lifestyles, or accomplishments. We should focus on what we actually need to be satisfied instead. This could be through developing skills that are meaningful to us, creating relationships that bring us happiness, or discovering new hobbies that make our lives richer. We don't have to follow the trends simply for the sake of being included. Being true to ourselves and our personal values will always be a much more fulfilling path.

For example, a teenager Kiara might scroll through Instagram and see influencers travelling to exotic locations, flaunting designer clothes, and living what appears to be a dream life. This creates an unrealistic benchmark, leading to feelings of inadequacy and a constant need to chase these unattainable standards.  

A” high standard” should no longer be defined by material possessions but instead reflect growth, learning, and the pursuit of knowledge and experiences. For Generation Z, a real standard is to participate in new, enriching hobbies, get involved in community project, and go beyond one’s comfort zone and explore new fields. In fact, the most “aesthetic” or “high standards” lives aren’t the ones flaunted on social media, but rather those that are lived with purpose, intention and authenticity. Let’s take an example of Aahana, a student who sits for hours perfecting her pictures to upload. She is under tremendous pressure from within because that’s going to show the world and define her value. There is the dark side that is struggling with self-worth and burnout to constantly fulfil the social expectation of beauty and aesthetic quality. 

Another major thing in the present times is that young people grumble to their parents regarding petty issues. It does not take much time today, on one side instant gratification brings back one out of so much hard work and sacrifice they had to make to keep us where we are standing today. It is easy to look at our friends and be jealous of the things they have, freedom they experience, or the luxuries they seem to enjoy. We often forget that how our parents have worked tirelessly to ensure that we have better life than they did. They may put restrictions on us because they want us to be safe, to grow up, and to learn responsibilities as adults. For instance, take the case of a teenager, Emma, who feels that her parents have been working when all her friends have it. What Emma does not know is that her parents have been working overtime to pay for her school fees and extracurricular activities. If she knew the bigger picture and acknowledged these sacrifices, she would have developed a sense of gratitude and appreciation. 

One of the most essential lessons we can learn from our parents is the importance of open communication. If we don’t get something we want, it doesn’t help to complain or throw a tantrum about it. Instead, lets understand them. Their generation comes from a different time, with its own experiences, values, and understanding of the world. That doesn’t mean that they can’t learn from us. It is by showing them why certain things are important to us, how the world has changed, and by allowing them into our lives in deeper ways. Yes, the conversations can be uncomfortable, and we may not readily understand their point at first, but patience, time, and empathy can really bridge the generation gap. And gradually, that understanding grows, and so future demands and discussions are much easier and more respectful. This is not about getting all we want immediately but on building a relationship based on mutual respect, understanding and shared perspectives. For example, Harsh, a high school student, wanted to attend a late-night concert, but his parents were unsure. Instead of arguing, He chose to calmly explain why the event was important to him and assured them of his safety measures. His parents shared their concerns about his safety and past experiences that influenced their decision. This open dialogue helped both parties understand each other’s viewpoints. 

Further, the next essential idea follows up with the importance of perspective. If you could see things from both sides simultaneously, like having “horse vision” you’d realize how important it is to look at life from several angles. Often, we get frustrated or don’t understand something because we only see things from our own point of view. But if we step back and take the perspectives of others whether its our parents, peers, or even strangers we are going to navigate life more wisely. The ability to understand where others are coming from, especially when they challenge our views or restrict our freedom, changes how we react to situations and ultimately helps us find more peace in our interactions. Meaning of life is not found in running after temporary things or superficial things but in knowing who are we, what we actually enjoy, and what we can give to the world. With clarity over compression, we can live purposefully and intentionally without being weighed down by trying to maintain an image that is contrary to ourselves. There is a peace that comes when we stop measuring ourselves against others and start focusing on what makes us genuinely happy and fulfilled. 

Ultimately, today’s generation should learn to balance this world of digital with the real world and appreciate the fact that social media never gives a definition of what one is, neither defining complete human experience. So much comes from what is portrayed to others and more richness in the experience lived, relations established, and the person you elect to become every day. Its about finding joy in the journey, not the comparison to others.

In conclusion, the standards we set for our lives should not be set the illusions of social media or materialistic trends. True fulfilment is found in meaningful growth, genuine relationships and purposeful living. Social media may highlight idealized moments, but the most valuable lives are those that put authenticity over appearances. Embracing hobbies, contributing to the community, and stepping beyond comfort zones define a life of richness and depth. In addition, appreciation of what others, especially parents, have given up, contributes to gratitude and solidifies family bonds. The basis for overcoming inter-generational differences is good communication, tolerance and compassion. We become wiser, compassionate and responsible in making decisions that are in line with our moral values by looking at life from various perspectives. 

By Nimisha

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