By Aakanksha
I always wondered why people kept saying ‘the things you cannot sustain without are the most dangerous of all’ because in my mind, everything we cannot live without are simply important because they prove to be a necessity, right? To my horror it’s the most wrong I’ve ever been. Seems to be a very trivial thing; doesn’t it now? But believe me it’s far from it. The things we consider to be the most insignificant factors of our life have enough power to turn it around a whole 180 degrees. We ignore such things, or people, thinking they are a constant and therefore unimportant. Because they are the base, you’ve long since built a tower upon. But the minute these ‘unimportant’ people or things are gone, the whole tower comes crumbling down. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that it’s the definition of horrendous. In the beginning its only them but somewhere midst of our journey, or rather rat race of who reaches the top, we forget the only thing that stuck by when no one bothered to. We very conveniently neglect them seemingly forgetting is us who needs them and not the other way around. No building can stand without it’s base regardless of however strong its exterior is. The base however, in no way requires the building. We disregard their importance and put our needs before theirs but we forget the day they decide to do the same, we’d be utterly and thoroughly condemned. It’s no surprise we cannot sustain without them in fact its common knowledge; which makes it pretty laughable because the thread that connects us to our existence is also the very thread that lingers before our doom. There’s a reason why these people and things are powerful, it’s not only because they hold more power over us than we do ourselves; but also, for the sense of belongingness they seem to provide. Humans can kill for love and lust but they will go to the lengths of hell if they feel like they just belong. That exactly is why they, and I, say to be sacred of what you can’t live without; for it may be the very reason you don’t live at all.
By Aakanksha