By Anna Jijo
It was a war,
Her conscience-the battlefield:
On the right stood her brain,
Ever thoughtful
And on the left was her heart,
Who never failed to be loving.
Then the battle cry sounded
And it was chaos,
Both fought for their victory.
The brain's manipulative minister
Tore the memories of the heart into shreds;
Rationality-the trusted general of the brain
Slit the throat of hope.
The heart became aware
That it stood no chance against the brain
With its paladin fallen.
For it is said that the strongest shall thrive;
In the end, the heart fell to its knees
As the brain used its mightiest armament:
A glance at the reality.
The heart witnessed how it got tricked,
How wrong its beliefs and choices were,
How it got deceived by its dearest ones;
The painful realisation sealed its fate.
The heart had no choice,
But to let the brain win,
As always!
By Anna Jijo
Beautifully penned🙌🙌