By Amee Laheru
On the mode of survival.
We killing everything
In order to achieve everything.
We ruin our mother nature earth.
Our food is hybrid.
Nature is disturbed.
All-natural calamities take birth.
People are growing poor.
We are selfish, jealous,
Garnishing our ego
In the professional world.
We are most
advanced generation.
Comfort is there
Yet struggling to
Access harmony within us.
Politicians are in quest
To take votes,
They just want the throne,
showing a picture of illusion,
Promise to give a great future.
They say
The world is a family;
Family is at war,
Kill each other.
We choose to be Nyctophiles.
We are amidst this
The dark night of humanity.
We will just see everything.
We are just an audience.
By Amee Laheru