By Dharshini
A Dream, Sown as a Seed in the Soil
Blossoms as a flower, matures as a fruit, and spreads its aroma!
But does a fruit truly have a fragrance?
No, it doesn't. It’s the seed that transforms into a tree,
budding, blooming, and bearing fruit,
falling to the ground as labor’s ultimate offering.
Isn't it the taste of success born from toil?
Indeed, it is a dream—a magnificent dream.
To eyes that see only illusions, it’s just a dream.
The starting point may be as small as a mustard seed,
and though voices may question,
“Isn’t it like finding a mustard seed in the ocean?”
Dreams materialize into reality,
but only if they first bloom within our slumbering minds.
Can they at least appear in dreams?
Voices ridicule and obstacles arise,
like the moon too far to reach,
or the sky impossible to touch.
To erase the word “impossible” from our lexicon,
we pierced the sky and reached the moon.
Let our dreams, answer those shadows that speak
and those hearts that yearn to bow in despair.
For those who say, "It’s impossible,"
it will always remain so.
But for those who chase what seems unachievable,
it will become the crown of victory!
Let’s strive, not just until success,
but until our last breath.
By Dharshini
A truly inspiring and motivational poem!