By Aastha Kapoor
We don’t require a day to celebrate our empowerment
We are so much more than the symphony of blue days
With the thousands of responsibilities on our shoulders,
We carry them with a beam on our face.
We raise families and build businesses
We love going out and yet do the dishes
We are proud of the things we’ve achieved Something that people could never have believed.
Dear ladies, count all the ways you’re beautiful
Show the world you’re supercool
Be proud of your bodies and the clothes you wear,
For nobody has a right to stare.
Don’t let the harsh words of society suppress you
For you are your own virtue
Dear men, do not just celebrate this day Instead show your love, your care and respect for them In every possible way.
You’re not obligated to pull a chair or open the door of the cars,
Instead sit with them, lend them your ear and become a healer of their scars.
We don’t require a day to celebrate our empowerment
We only need a safe and equal environment
A place full of love and care
And a soul who is always there.
The colour pink isn’t enough to define us
As we are the rainbow of varied colours
We can drive a car or ride a bike
Oh dear society, asking for equality, should never be disliked.
By Aastha Kapoor