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आठवणीतली आई

By Aparna Muley

शुक्रवार तिन्ही सांजेची वेळ! त्या प्रसन्न संध्याकाळी माझी आई देवाला प्रिय झाली. अगदी बोलता बोलता, आता होती आणि क्षणात नाहीशी झाली. त्या क्षणाला दुःख करायला ही अवघड झाले कारण इतके सहज मरण पुण्यवान व्यक्तीला च मिळू शकते. आई जगदंबेनी तिची सेवा रूजू केली. धन्य तिची सेवा अणि भक्ति लोभसवाणे व्यक्तिमत्व, नजरेतील ममता, शब्दातील मार्दव, वागण्यात आर्जव हेच तिचे अलंकार होते. जे दिवस खेळण्याचे, मज्जा करायचे होते ते तिच्या वाट्यास आले नाहीत.तारुण्यात पदार्पण करण्याच्या आधीच ती आपल्या बहिणींची आई झाली. स्वतःला मायेचे छप्पर मिळाले नाही पण बहिणीवर प्रेमाची छाया सतत ठेवली. त्यांच्या प्रगती साठी झटत राहिली.तिला शिक्षणाची हौस होती पण स्वतःचे नाही झाले तरी सगळ्यांच्या शिक्षणासाठी झटत राहीली. शिवण क्लास केला. हिंदीच्या परीक्षा दिल्या. यातच समाधान मानले. लग्न झाल्यावर ही ती वहीनीच्या रुपात आई झाली. छोटा दीर, लहान नणंद यांचा प्रेमाने सांभाळ केला. तिच्या वागण्यात ममत्व असायचे .दुसऱ्याच्या यशाने पण ती आन॔दुन जायची. त्यांच्यावर कौतुकाचा वर्षांव करताना शब्दांची काटकसर कधीच केली नाही. येणाऱ्या जाणाऱ्या सर्व मंडळींचे हसतमुखाने स्वागत, आदरातिथ्य ह्या स्वभावाने असंख्य माणसं जोडली. दुसर्‍याचं दुःख समजून योग्य मार्गदर्शन करणे तिला सहज जमे. कामवाल्या बायकांशी तर खुप गोड वागणूक असायची. ती एक कुशल संघटक तसेच सुगरण होती. तिने नाती घट्ट बांधून ठेवली. आजही तिची पदर सुटणारी पोळी कधीही विसरू शकणार नाही. चविष्ट आणि रुचकर असा कुलाचारा चा स्वयंपाक केला की घरात घमघमाट सुटे. जेवणारा तृप्त होई. .गरम लुसलुशीत पुरणपोळी खाऊ घालणे हा तिचा छंदच. सगळ्या आप्तपरिवार ने भरणारं घर म्हणजे तिच ऐश्वर्य! प्रत्येकाच्या आवडीनिवडी जपणे हा तिचा बाणा .निष्काम हेतूनेच सर्व सणवार दणक्यात साजरे व्हायचे .जणु छोटे कार्य च! कितीही अडचणी आल्यातरी देवधर्म सोडला नाही. माझी आई कष्टप्रद पण आनंददायी आयुष्य जगली.अत्यंत अल्प आहार , नाजुक बांधा,तुकतुकीत कांती , छोटासाच अंबाडा,त्यावर माळलेला गजरा, टापटीप राहणीमान आणि हसतमुख व्यक्तिमत्त्व सतत डोळ्यासमोर येते. फावल्यावेळात शिवण शिऊन, शिवणक्लास घेऊन आम्हाला पॉकेटमनी द्यायची. दुपारची झोप तिला माहितीच नव्हती. तिच्या ह्या स्वभावा मुळेच तीअगदी छान तयार होऊन मृत्यू ला सामोरी गेली. परमेश्वरा, इतके गोड व्यक्तिमत्त्व तयार करतांना तु किती कष्ट घेतलेस? आम्हाला अशी आई देऊन आमच्यावर अनंत उपकार केलेस.तिचे इतके भाग्य की नातवंड, नातसून, पणतीने पण तिची सेवा केली. ' मरावे परी किर्तीरुपी उरावे 'ह्या उक्तीनुसार देहदान करून ती माऊली कृतकृत्य झाली .सर्वासाठी आदर्श ठेवून गेली. जीवना सोबत देह ही सार्थकी लावला.तिच्या त्यागाचा सुगंध असाच दरवळत राहील. माते ,तुला शतशः प्रणाम !!

Mother’s Memoir by A Daughter

A calm Friday dusk, with soft sunrays against the window. Indeed, on a pleasant evening, my mother’s existence came to a peaceful end. While she was enjoying her evening tea-conversation, she took her last breath. Her existence turned into memories within a moment. Grief did not dawn upon us because a death so easy, such as this is a privilege that only the virtuous are entitled to. She had to leave because Goddess Jagdamba sought her company now! Hail her service and devotion!

Charming personality, affectionate eyes, gentle words, and sincerity of thoughts were her prized possessions. She never had the luxury of a carefree childhood. At a very young age she became a mother to her sisters. Although she was deprived of her mother’s love, she made sure that her sisters never felt it missing. She fought and struggled for their progress. Education was dear to her. And though she never received any formal education, she encouraged and strived to educate her family. However, when it came to her own education, the closest she ever got were her sewing classes and Hindi language exams. And she was more than content with these opportunities that she was afforded with.

Not much changed after her marriage, she was now a mother to not only her own sisters but also to her very young sister and brother-in-law. She tendered to them with immense love and care. She was compassion – personified!

She derived immense happiness from others’ achievements and never shied away from showering praises. A people’s person, welcoming everyone with a big smile. With impeccable hospitality, she connected with and attracted countless people. Empathy came to her naturally. She could put herself in the shoes of others and become their guiding light.

Respect – was one of her core values. She treated everyone, from domestic helps to distinguished guests, with utmost respect.

Competent management skills coupled with extraordinary culinary skills helped her forge strong and lasting relationships. Even today I can feel the taste of the multilayered-chapatis she cooked. Especially during festivals, the entire house would be filled with the delicious smell of a sumptuous festive meal. Every diner would be happy with their taste buds stimulated! She would serve hot and luscious Puranpoli to everyone who dined in, as though it was her hobby! A house filled with people – children, adults, and animals – was her wealth. She took pride in catering to everyone according to their likes and dislikes.

She had unwavering faith in the almighty. And no matter how many hardships came her way, not even once did she falter in her belief. She celebrated every festival without expecting anything in return. The pomp and gaiety were no less than that of a big party.

My mother lived a hard but happy life. A meagre diet, delicate build, radiant skin, small hair bun with flowers on it, austere living, and a smiling personality – that’s what comes to mind when I think about her. She facilitated sewing classes in her spare time to provide us with pocket money. She was not fond of afternoon naps and instead used her time productively. Owing to this, she welcomed death donning her best clothes and her divine smile.

Oh Lord! How much effort did you take to create such a sweet personality? You have done us infinite favor by giving us such a mother. Her grandson, granddaughters, and great granddaughter were also fortunate to have served her.

They say, good deeds make a person immortal. Living by this and parting by this – she donated her body and set an example of dignified death. Along with her life, she pledged her body for others. The fragrance of her sacrifice will continue to linger forever.

Mother, I salute you a thousand times over!

By Aparna Muley


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Thành viên không xác định
11 thg 1, 2023

Beautifully written!


Megha Peshave
Megha Peshave
10 thg 1, 2023

Very nice


Megha Peshave
Megha Peshave
10 thg 1, 2023

very nice article


Thành viên không xác định
10 thg 1, 2023

Heartfelt indeed..


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